'Hearthstone: One Night In Karazan' Gives Us A Smart Dragon And A Sneaky Butler

Book Wyrm looking studious
Book Wyrm looking studious Blizzard

Another day, another two Hearthstone cards from the newest adventure, One Night In Karazhan . Blizzard Hearthstone Taiwan just revealed two neutral cards from the set that show how quirky these cards will be. First up is Book Wyrm, a six-mana 3/6 that’s Battlecry destroys an enemy minion with three or less attack if you have a Dragon in your hand. Neutral dragons are always good to have, especially in a meta dominated so heavily by Dragon Warrior.

Book Wyrm is like a niche Stampeding Kodo, which is played in a ton of decks. For a six-mana minion, its stats are pretty terrible though. Still, even with its terrible stat line, the fact that it’s a neutral dragon with board clear makes it a great tech into Dragon Warrior or other Dragon variant decks. The art is what really makes me love the card, which is a dragon reading a book. Dragons can’t read books, silly Hearthstone developers.

Next up is Moroes, a 1/1 three-mana Legendary with Stealth that summons a 1/1 Steward at the end of your turn. I can’t see this card being good in any situation – it takes way too long to get any value out of it. At best, you have to wait at least three turns to beat a Spider Tank. Worst case scenario, you are only getting 2/2 in stats for three mana, which is quite a waste.

On turn three, you want to drop a minion that can help you push for board advantage. A 1/1 at the end of your turn won’t do much, except die to every other card your opponent can play that turn. Moroes can die to a Flame Juggler or Poisoned Toad , making your three mana investment useless. It’s a fun card, but I don’t see it getting much play competitively.

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