Hearthstone released update 14.6, which makes several changes like the Hall of Fame additions and even new Classic and Basic cards. The update was also made in preparation for the launch of the Saviors of Uldum expansion.
In terms of card changes, the cards Vanish (Rogue) and Mind Blast (Priest) have been moved to the Hall of Fame.
The update also adds new cards to the Basic and Classic sets. Players who managed to unlock the Basic cards automatically get the new additions. Classic cards can only be obtained through opening Classic card packs or by crafting them using Arcane Dust. The new cards are:
- Basic Cards
- Priest Spell: Radiance
- Rogue Minion: Plaguebringer
- Classic Cards
- Warlock Rare Minion: Siegebreaker
- Druid Common Spell: Gift of the Wild
- Paladin Rare Spell: Righteousness
- Neutral Legendary Minion: Brightwing
- Neutral Legendary Minion: High Inquisitor Whitemane
- Neutral Epic Minion: Barrens Stablehand
- Neutral Rare Minion: SI:7 Infiltrator
- Neutral Rare Minion: Arcane Devourer
According to the Blizzard development team, in order to make a decision on the cards, it was important to look into what each class could bring to the table. It was during this review that they found out that “several cards that don’t match our established class identities.”

Rogues are known for getting out of sticky situations with the use of targeted removal. Vanish has the effect of clearing the entire board. This cancels one of the Rogue’s weaknesses, which is difficulty in board clearing. Thus it was important to move this to the HoF to make it a bit easier for players to strategize against a Rogue. With Plaguebringer, Rogues are given another way to destroy minions and cements this class as masters of Poison
Meanwhile, Mind Blast allows Priests to inflict a large amount of Face damage. Therefore, there was the need to limit the amount of damage that Priests could deal from their hand. The addition of Radiance means that Priests now have a low-cost spell that can be used for those tricky spell synergies.
Players who have the Vanish and Mind Blast cards get to receive the new Plaguebringer and Radiance cards.
Aside from moving cards to the HoF and introducing new cards, this latest update also updates the art for the following cards:
- Succubus (now named Felstalker)
- Mistress of Pain (now named Queen of Pain)
- Windfury Harpy
- Secretkeeper
- Eviscerate
- Bite
- Deadly Shot
- Headcrack
A complete list of the changes with the new update can be viewed here.