Hearts of Iron IV just got an important update today. Patch 1.12.4 brought a ton of balancing changes, along with several bug fixes. You can also expect a few changes to AI, performance, and database.
The war score per sunk convoy and sailor lost has been reduced to 0.05 and 0.001, respectively. The patch also increased the cost of 1938 and later air module tech; post-1936 air weapon tech dates are increased as well. You can read about all the balancing changes below.
Peace Conference
- Reduced lend lease warscore gains and losses from fuel to 0.01 warscore per fuel to 0.001 warscore per 100 fuel
- Reduced lend lease warscore gains and losses from equipment IC from 0.1 warscore per IC to 0.001
- Reduced war score per sunk convoy from 10 to 0.05
- Reduced war score offset from convoy production from 5 to 0.04
- Reduced war score per ship IC sunk from 0.04 to 0.002
- Reduced war score per sailor lost when a ship sinks from 0.02 to 0.001
- Increased IC value of sunk ships when determining warscore from 0.002 to 0.004
- Increased base province value from 0.3 to 2.0
Air Warfare
- Fixed primary role of guided missile for large airframes (now sets naval patrol bomber)
- Fixed aircraft naval strike mission module limits (light = 1 slot, medium = 2 slots, large = 3 slots)
- 1938 and later air module tech costs are higher
- Air engine 4 is now 1944 tech
- post 1936 Air weapon tech dates increased
- All aircraft electronics module unlocks are one tech later
- Reduced USA combined bomber offensive range increase
- Reduced strategic bombing stat for large bomb bays
- With BBA uk air focuses give less research bonuses but give doctrine discounts
- Increased small/medium bomb bay weight
- Reduced lmg turret weight
- Fix incorrect mutliengine thrust for level 2 engines. increased torpedo weight. added speed malus to floats/flying boats
- Rebalanced lmg and hmg for planes
- Fixed primary role of guided missile for large airframes (now sets naval patrol bomber)
- Refresh airwing stats when setting a scrambling mission (this should fix the 1 damage carrier bug)
You can check out the complete patch notes of Hearts of Iron IV: Patch 1.12.4 on Steam.