The recent Week 49 Update for ICARUS brings some new features that the community has been clamoring for, including the ability to sit on chairs and a new “grenade” that’s more potent at extinguishing flames than other methods.
You can now sit on rustic dining and living room chairs in ICARUS. Finally, you can rest and relax after a long day’s work fighting monsters and completing missions.
Another notable addition in the Week 49 Update is the Water Bomb. Although it is classified as a grenade, the Water Bomb is actually best used to put out fires, not enemies. This is available at Tier 2 and requires five Leathers and 15 Fibers to craft.

- Add new BuildingHammer actionable setup which combines both Upgrading and Repairing
- Remove original Upgrade Hammer as it is now deprecated by all other hammers
- Add Trophy setups and Heads for Conifer, Snow, and Desert (Hyena) wolves. Shuffled some rows so they're grouped better
- Remove bed projection widget logic
- Added killcam availability to throwing knives and spears
- Remove Talent unlock requirement for waterbomb
- Reworked Tomahawk talent, removing throwing from axes but granting greatly increased combat capabilities.
- Reworked "Oh wait, I need that" talent, reducing the penalties for the reworked Tomahawk talent
- Removed throw action availability from Axes now that none can be thrown
- Reorganized talents in the Habitation: Repairing talent tree after removal of the waterbomb talent from this tree
- Disconnect flammability from grenade payload as part of damage refactor. Will instead buff base damage number
- Fixed grenades (and other forms of radial damage) not correctly displaying damage numbers
- Double base damage of Frag grenades to bring them more in line with the current average creature health
- Increase outer radius size of Grenade explosion to be 50% larger
- Increase max throw distance of grenades and water bombs
- Add min throw charge for Grenades so they can't be tap dropped at your feet
- Tomahawk and Controlled Rage talents: Renamed row, causing players to lose these talents and be refunded talent points if they are not already at maximum.
- Cleanup unused, old assets to de-clutter project
- Removed unused particle system from Extractor base class
- Platinum and Titanium Crossbows are now affected by cheaper bow-crafting talents
- Fix an issue where manually placing an item was ignoring return values from a remove-only inventory, this means that players do not lose grown produce when attempting to place grown produce in a full plot
- Reduced weight of throwing spears and knives by 60%
ICARUS Week 49 Update is available on PC.