Kingdom Hearts 3 director Tetsuya Nomura spoke at the Monaco Anime Game International Conferences 2017 proceedings Saturday, and revealed a brand new screenshot for the game. Commentary transcribed by also offers insight on the image.
“This is the first time we’ve shown this screenshot of Kingdom Hearts 3,” Nomura-san told attendees. “It’s happening in Thebes and they are fighting a new version of Heartless. The Keyblade turns into a lot of things. Here it is a shield, but it can also be transformed into a chariot. This is called Power Form.”

The new Heartless looks large enough to be some kind of sub-boss and is quite unlike anything the series has seen before. Its long arms bear a resemblance to Guard Armor from the original Kingdom Hearts, but the size of this foe appears far more formidable. From our view, it looks like it may use electric attacks, but the Power Form stops them.
Keyblade transformations are far from new with regard to Kingdom Hearts 3. In its E3 2015 trailer, we saw Sora’s trademark weapon become a shield in addition to guns, cannons and the pegasus chariot. This screenshot, however, offers a much clearer view of what that form looks like.
Kingdom Hearts 3 was recently teased at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2.8, and some say there may be further reveals to look forward to at the Kingdom Hearts orchestral concert in Japan next month. Nomura also showed off a new screenshot of Final Fantasy 7 Remake as well.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is in development for PS4 and Xbox One.
What do you think of this new screenshot? Are you tired of seeing the same transformations and the same world? Tell us in the comments section!