This weekend’s rotating game mode in League of Legends is Doom Bots Of Doom, which pits a team of five players against some of the toughest A.I. Riot has ever made. The old Doom Bots, which we last saw in 2014, were a challenge, but these current Doom Bots are a nightmare. The roster has expanded this time around with Amumu, Annie, Blitzcrank, Brand, Cho’gath, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Galio, Heimerdinger, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Tristana, Udyr, Veigar, Wukong, Yasuo, Yorick and Ziggs all trying to put your head on a platter.
Here’s everything you have to know in order to beat the Doom Bots Of Doom and prove that no amount of code is better than you:
Doom Bots of Doom allows players to set up a custom difficulty, called the Gauntlet. It scales from 1 to 100, with 100 being almost impossible to beat. If you think you have the guts to try level 100, I recommend trying the strategy in Shadow-teen20’s guide on reddit . It’s less like a game of League and more like a boss raid.
In order to pick a difficulty, three team members have to vote on a number by typing “/votenumber” followed by the difficulty in chat. If nobody picks, the difficulty is randomized.
As you kill Doom Bots, you get buffs, so make sure to destroy those suckers as much as possible. 10 Kills gives you +10 Damage Resistance (+20 for melee champions), 20 Kills gives your team 15000 Gold and 30 Kills gives you +50% Tenacity.
Flash and Smite are the best Summoner Spells to use, clearing minions wave is the best way to keep an advantage. That’s why mages with wave clear, like Morgana and Orianna, are the best champions to use for players hungry for a Doom Bot win.
Enemy towers are invulnerable, so going for kills is the only way to go. Don’t bother trying to chip away at the Doom Bots to get them out of lane because they will be back immediately.
Getting minions into the enemy tower gives you a small but substantial mana and health boost, so make sure to always push your minions into the enemy’s tower.
There are also curses that can pop up random times, debuffing your whole team. They rotate in a random order every 2 minutes and 10 seconds. Random passives like Karthus’ Death Defied can pop up on any Doom Bot alongside abilities like Yasuo’s Wind Wall and Ryze’s Realm Warp. A full list of curses can be found on LOL Wikia .
After 15 minutes, the lord of darkness Teemo will show up and once you kill him, you win the game. It isn’t that easy though, since he starts off with 50,000 health. He loses his blow dart, but gets a trident that does insane burst damage to those that get hit. If you can dodge his stabs, kill all the enemy Doom Bots and survive to win the game.
It’s the hardest League of Legends mode Riot has ever produced, so don’t get discouraged if you can’t beat the Doom Bots. You can always try a lower difficulty the next game, that is unless you punch a hole through your monitor.
How do you like Doom Bots Of Doom? Tell us in the comments.