'League Of Legends' New Champion Abilities: Camille, The Steel Shadow, Won't Ever Let You Escape

Camille, The Steel Shadow Champion Reveal
Camille, The Steel Shadow Champion Reveal Riot

Riot just unveiled the abilities for their newest champion, Camille, The Steel Shadow. Not entirely sure how a shadow can be made of steel, but everyone is allowed a little creative license. She’s a mobile damage dealer, whose kit feels a lot like Fiora mixed with a splash of Katarina and Riven. Her attacks have to comboed together for maximum effect, if she blows her load too early, she’s a squishy sitting duck.

Camille’s passive is Adaptive Defenses, which gives her a shield depending on who she just attacked. If they are mostly Ability Power, she gains an MR shield similar to Kassadin and Morgana, and if they are mostly Attack Damage, she gains a normal shield. The shield gains more power depending on her max HP. Shields are super important in League ; Courage Of The Colossus is amazing because it lets laners trade without losing any health. Poppy wouldn’t be nearly as good as she is without that buckler passive that gives her a shield.

Precision Protocol is her first ability, which slashes enemies in front of her, granting her some movement speed. She can recast this ability for an extra attack and if she waits for a little while longer the attack deals bonus damage and true damage. It’s an autoattack reset that helps her deal insane burst damage, exactly like Fiora. Basically, Riot took every good ability in League , threw it in a blender and got Camille.

Tactical Sweep is a cone ability that gives Camille a tool to keep enemies from getting away. After a brief windup, she swipes the air in front of her, dealing extra damage and slowing enemies caught in the outer blast. She also heals by a tiny bit, but only for those hit by the outer ring. Nobody is getting away from the lady with knives for legs when she’s chasing them down.

What would a good assassin be without a dash? Camille got Hookshot and Wall dive. On first cast, she throws out a harpoon that pulls her toward any terrain. On second cast, she dives at an area, stunning and slightly knocking back all enemies caught in the radius. If she aims at a champion, the range is increased and she gains bonus damage. I swear, Riven is going to be sitting at the bar after checking this champion out; who’s going to want to wall jump when they can Wall Dive?

Hextech Ultimatum is Camille’s ultimate, which creates an area around an enemy champion, trapping them inside. Knife lady gains bonus damage when inside the ring, but the ring will disappear after a brief period of time or if she leaves it. The people who made Camille’s kit are sadistic fucks because this ability is just brutal. Veigar and Yorick might have cages, but Camille has a god damn prison. Target a squishy ADC and just dive them with all you’ve got. If your team follows up, it’s an easy team fight win.

Ivern and Taliyah looked kind of terrible at first glance, but Camille is the opposite. She’s going to be picked or banned in every game she’s in from now on, or until Riot nerfs her to oblivion.

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