Riot is spoiling its fans today. Not only is League of Legends season 7 coming out alongside patch 6.24, but we are getting six new skins as well. The PBE has now been updated and we now have a good look at Dreadnova Gangplank, Heartseeker Lucian and Quinn, and three Warring Kingdom skins for Azir Garen and Vi.
Dreadnova Gangplank (1350 RP)
Warring Kingdom Azir (1350 RP)
Warring Kingdom Garen (1350 RP)
Warring Kingdom Vi (1350 RP)
Heartseeker Lucian (1350 RP)
Heartseeker Quinn (975 RP)
Get ready to get your dirty little hands all over the Warring Kingdom skins in January for the Lunar Revel and the Heartseeker skins for Valentine’s Day in February.