League of Legends Patch 11.14 is expected to go live next week, so the changes mentioned in this article are likely the ones to be implemented in the final release.
That said, Jeevun Sidhu, lead game designer on Summoner’s Rift team, tweeted earlier this week that some Champions are receiving buffs while others are getting nerfed. Some item changes are also expected in the upcoming patch.
11.14 Patch Preview is here!
— Jeevun Sidhu (@JeevunSidhu) June 28, 2021
Responding to some champions that were hit too hard by systemic changes, as well as a few shift regarding newly updated champions. pic.twitter.com/fqxVL6JNHb
Champions Buffed
- Hemorrhage (Passive): Bonus Attack Damage increased to 30-230
- Apprehend (E): Ability cooldown decreased to 24/21.5/19/16.5/14
- Decisive Strike (Q): Move Speed increased to 35%
- Demacian Justice (R): True damage from percent of target’s missing health has increased to 25/30/35%
- Champion’s Attack Damage has increased to 68
- Base Move Speed increased to 350
- Triggerseed (E): Shield effect increased to 80/115/150/185/220
- Queen’s Wrath/ Prey Seeker (Q)
- Damage dealt per hit when not burrowed increased to 21/27/33/39/45
- Damage dealt when burrowed increased to 60/95/130/165/200
- High Note (Q): Damage dealt by ability increased to [60/75/90/105/120 (+45/50/55/60/65% AP)]
- Starlight’s Touch (Q): Ability mana cost decreased to 65/70/75/80/85
- Dazzle (E): Ability mana cost decreased to 40
Champions Nerfed
- Five Point Strike (Q): Ability can no longer be cast during Shuriken Flip (E)
- Perfect Execution (R)
- Minimum damage dealt decreased to 60/130/200
- Maximum damage dealt decreased to 180/390/600
- Base Attack Damage decreased to 51
- Base HP decreased to 510
- Call of the Void (Q): Ability Power Ratio decreased to 55%
- Base HP decreased to 560
- Base Move Speed decreased to 345
- Wind Becomes Lightning (W): Ability cooldown increased to 12/11/10/9/8
- Mana decreased to 420
Champions Adjusted
- Umbra Blades (Passive): This ability now has 50% effectiveness against minions
- An Acquired Taste (Passive): Damage dealt changed to [12-60 (+2.5% bonus HP)]
- Tongue Lash (Q)
- This ability now deals damage from An Acquired Taste passive
- Heal effect changed to [15/20/25/30/35 + 4/4.5/5/5.5/6 missing HP]
- Abyssal Dive (W): Ability and mana refund increased to 40%
- Devour (R)
- Shield effect has increased to 400/500/600 (+100% AP)
- Ally self slow effect decreased to 30/20/10%
Items Changed
- Armor increased to 45
- Attack Damage increased to 45
- Health decreased to 300
- Slow effect changed to [40% for 3 seconds]
According to a post, Patch 11.14 is expected to go live on July 8 at 6 a.m. EST. So, are you in favor of all of the buffs, nerfs, and changes to certain Champions in the upcoming update?