'League of Legends' Patch 6.13: The Meta's Going To Change

Patch 6.13 is here, giving supports some love
Patch 6.13 is here, giving supports some love Riot

Riot just released the Patch Notes for League of Legends Patch 6.13, the one where they buff the supports and nerf everything else. The patch also touches on a few powerhouses who have been terrorizing the meta and top lane. It’s a much bigger patch than the last few, so let’s dive right into it.

Keep in mind that Ranked Emblems are coming this patch. You get a badge depending on how many games you’ve played solo or in a group. You need 25 matches in order to get an emblem.


  • Lulu has been difficult to balance; if you make her numbers too strong she gets becomes a mid lane juggernaut, but when she’s too weak she isn’t even a good support. Riot is buffing her ability to support allies while (hopefully) leaving her a viable AP carry. Her Glitterlance now does 70 percent less damage on the second shot, but now slows for two seconds at all ranks. Whimsy now grants scaling attack speed.

  • The river king Tahm Kench was the strongest support, until Riot nerfed his tankiness and damage. Riot realizes it messed him up, and are trying to restore some of his punch. His basic attacks only deal one to 1.5 percent of his bonus health as damage, stacking up to three times against champions. His Tongue Lash does more damage, Thick Skin has a shorter shield and heals for less but his ultimate has a longer range. More damage, less tankiness.

  • Thresh gets two souls from Epic monsters, like Dragons, Barons and Rift Heralds. Dark Passage now gives +1 shield per soul collected. You won’t need to build Targon’s Embrace anymore, a late-game Thresh shield will be huge.

  • My favorite cave yordle, Gnar , is getting some love. Mini-Gnar has slightly more range, Hyper deals more damage and his Boomerang has a longer return range.

  • Jarvan IV gets more shields on his Aegis.


  • Riot went nerf crazy this patch. Blitzcrank no longer pulls enemies on top of him, instead placing them in front. Power Fist lasts for a shorter time and Static Field has a longer cooldown.

  • Irelia’s Transcendent Blades has a 40 second longer cooldown at rank one. It was fun seeing you in the meta blade girl: Riot fell victim to the meme and nerfed you.

  • Kindred got neutered. She’s been way too strong since her release and Riot is doing something about it. She has lower base armor and Wolf’s Frenzy no longer heals, instead it slows jungle monster attack speed by 50 percent. Her clear time will still be one of the best, but now she might have to kite monsters or risk dying to them.

  • Swain has a 10 second shorter cooldown on Ravenous Flock and can’t be recast for two seconds. Enjoy your long vacation away from the meta birdman, tell Irelia I said hi.

  • Volibear is a monstrous force in the early to mid game, so Riot is removing some of his bite. Frenzy does less damage and gives less attack speed at earlier ranks.

  • Since her rework, Zyra has been dominating the bottom lane. She’s getting a big nerf; her passive seeds respawn slower and her rampant Growth seeds take longer to recharge.

  • Trundle is losing some health regen, since right now he’s unkillable with Grasp Of the Undying and his passive.

  • Poor Vladimir , OP for two patches and Riot decides to beat him into a bloody pulp. He gains less health and AP with his passive and Transfusion has less base damage but a higher scaling. I hated tank Vlad anyways, good riddance.

Goodbye my old love
Goodbye my old love Riot


  • Changes to support items, yay! Ancient Coin has been the worst support item since season five started and it’s finally getting some polish. It now gives early cooldown reduction and Talisman of Ascension builds out of Raptor Cloak. Now it’s an item for squishy engages who need that little extra bit of stats.

  • Relic Shield executions now scale with level. Hallelujah! Now you’ll actually be able to use your stacks in the late game.

  • Forbidden Idol has never really had an identity, so Riot is now giving it 10 percent bonus healing and shielding power. I’ll be rushing this item on Sona and Soraka.

  • Mark my words, Ardent Censer will be a must buy for Karma. AC gives less mana regen, but gives more AP and healing. That’s a trade-off I’m fine with.

  • When’s the last time you actually bought a Ruby Sightstone when you had literally anything else to get? It might actually be valuable to upgrade this patch, it costs 200 less and gives 10 percent more active item cooldown reduction.

  • Wards grant experience and attacking them no longer brings you into combat.

Other Stuff

  • Teleport takes one second longer to channel and no longer drops you in a random spot. This looks like a tiny change but is actually gigantic. We may no longer see teleport in every pro LCS game, knowing where your enemy is going to appear is a big deal. Time your abilities right and you get some free poke or even a kill.

  • Early kills give less experience, dead champions now soak up xp from nearby kills and catch-up experience scales better.

This patch is gigantic, tell us how you think the meta is going to look in the comments!

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