'League of Legends' Patch 6.20: Cho'Gath's Feral Scream Finally Works Right, Also Ivern

Patch Notes 6.20
Patch Notes 6.20 Riot

Out of completely nowhere, Riot just announced League of Legends Patch 6.20. This patch comes with a ton of modernized tweaks for older champions, Ivern and some Twisted Treeline changes I’m sure some people will be very happy about. Patch 6.20 drops Wednesday, with the PBE getting updated slightly later on Tuesday.

Here’s a full rundown of buffs and nerfs happening this patch.


  • Have you ever missed out on a kill because Cho’Gath’s Feral Scream just didn’t work right? Riot has finally fixed the most annoying skill in the game by lowering its cooldown at later ranks, along with increasing its range and silence duration. This should have happened seasons ago, but better late than never.

  • Nunu kind of sucks right now, and Riot knows it. He’s boring to play and his kit has little to no counterplay, so they are giving the yeti some new tools to work with. He has three more base Attack Damage and a slightly higher scaling AD ratio, which should make him hit slightly harder. His passive, Visionary, will now be full at the start of the game and refills when you recall. Nunu no longer receives special buffs depending on which buff he ate, he now gets Well Fed stacks. These stacks give him 10 move speed, three percent more health and fall off every 50 to 70 seconds (depending on level).

  • Taliyah got destroyed two patches ago, so Riot are giving her something to be happy about. She gets one more base health regen, Threaded Volley has a one second shorter cooldown at all levels and Worked Ground stays for 20 seconds less.

  • Why is Vladimir getting buffed? He has a .2 higher AP ratio on Transfusion but heals for 15 percent less when used on minions. Tides of Blood also scales better with AP, so get ready to scream bloody murder once again.

  • Ashe slows more at lower levels with her basic attacks, but scales up slightly lower. To compensate, Ashe heals for triple instead of double when hitting with a critical strike.


  • Jinx deals less damage with Flame Chompers and they also cost 20 more mana.

It’s a tiny patch, but a goodie. Did Riot include enough for you or do you want more? Tell us in the comments!

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