'League Of Legends' World Championship 2016: Please Don't Play Miss Fortune Support, You Aren't Gorilla

Miss Fortune, the bane of bot lanes everywhere
Miss Fortune, the bane of bot lanes everywhere Riot

The League of Legends World Championship quarter finals started off strong tonight, with reigning world champions SK Telecom facing off against their Korean rivals, ROX Tigers. In game two of the series, ROX Tigers looked like they had a misclick in champion select. Miss Fortune was picked in the last rotation in picks and bans, even though Ashe was already picked. The casters sounded confused, unaware if this was an actual pick or just some random error.

Turns out it was intentional, and Gorilla, SKT’s support, picked Miss Fortune. ROX Tigers went on to decimate SKT, with one of the most interesting games of the season. Peanut started out building Ability Power, choosing to go Spellthief’s Edge in lane, which gave her Make It Rain, an AOE slow, even stronger. Peanut pulled off some next level cheese that SKT must have not been expecting.

The whole game was insane, ending in one of the most spectacular backdoors ever seen on Summoner’s Rift. Duke on Ekko was milliseconds away from teleporting back to base and stopping ROX from winning the game, but an Ashe arrow hit him right before his teleport completed. I’m titled just thinking about it.

This series has me worried about solo queue. I promise over the next week, thousands of League players will lock in Miss Fortune support because “it was played at the World Championship.” If you are thinking of locking in, just don’t. Gorilla is a god on a computer and your silver teammates will not play like a unified Korean team.

Pick Vel’koz if you want to do something unique for a support role, you’ll just end up feeding on Miss Fortune.

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