The highly successful MMORPG Lost Ark just got itself a new class in the April content update or the “Battle for the Throne of Chaos.” The Glaivier class specializes in the use of a short spear and a glaive. She can switch stances at any time and, in doing so, will add bonuses to her movement speed or attack speed depending on which stance she uses.

The stances in question are Focus and Flurry. The former is where she uses her spear to unleash a furious barrage of attacks, and the latter is where she utilizes her glaive to gracefully deal lethal strikes and sweeping attacks. Her skill set changes as well, depending on which stance she's currently on.
The Glaivier’s specialty is her “Dual Meter,” which has three segments that are filled up when using skills to hit enemies. Swapping to the Focus stance grants her a movement speed increase at Level 1 and movement speed, damage, and crit damage bonuses at Level 3. On the other hand, switching to the Flurry stance grants the Glaivier a 5% attack speed bonus at Level 1 and attack speed, damage, and crit rate bonuses at Level 3.
You can read more about the new class on the game’s official website.

Aside from the Glaivier, the “Battle for the Throne of Chaos” update for Lost Ark also introduces a new region of Arkesia, South Vern. A new storyline unfolds along with a new Chaos Line activity. It is important to note, however, that the Chaos Dungeons, Chaos Gate, and field boss are not included in this patch. They will be introduced in a future update.
Patch Highlights
- Added a 25-day track of new daily log-in rewards
- Improved co-op party play for Secret Maps. Now all four members can submit a map to get rewards with one run. No more worrying about someone dropping from your group after you used your map
- Chat tab changes will now be shared across your roster
- Increased available character slots from 12 to 18
- Added a new button in Custom PvP Lobbies allowing users to view all players’ active Book of Coordination presets
- Added an option to clear all text within the active chat tab when right-clicking
- Added a new setting allowing players to disable the virtual keyboard while using a controller
- Fixed an issue that prevented push-to-talk voice chat while the Game Menu or Settings Menu was open
- Fixed an issue that caused enemies to spawn too close to certain NPCs, making it difficult to interact with them
- Fixed an issue that prevented text from appearing in the text-to-speech chat tab
- Fixed an issue with controllers that caused some buttons to become unresponsive after skipping cutscenes
The full patch notes can be found here.
Lost Ark is available on PC.