Do you have what it takes to finish the most difficult raids in Lost Ark? If you’re up for the challenge, the Inferno Difficulty for the Valtan Legion Raid is now available in the Spells in Spades Update.
The Valtan Legion raid is an eight-player activity where you’ll face the Legion Commander Valtan himself at the end of the run. That said, the Spells in Spades Update for Lost Ark unlocks the Inferno Difficulty for the said raid, and you’re going to have a hell of a time facing Valtan.
Now, there are a few key differences between the Normal/Hard and Inferno difficulties that you need to know. First, the “Scale of Balance” is applied, meaning that the entire party’s gear is normalized against the level of the Legion Commander. Second, the gate progression system is not enabled; therefore, your party cannot just leave halfway through and come back at a later time. So, your team should come prepared, both in terms of items and strategies. And third, Inferno mode does not count against your weekly attempt limit for Legion Raids, which means you can try this many times as you like.
In addition, completing the Legion Raid in the hardest difficulty level rewards you with titles, achievements, Stronghold structures, and more. There’s a new vendor that gives you access to a variety of prestigious rewards as well.
Those who like to try the Valtan Legion Raid on Inferno difficulty must have an Item Level of 1,445 to participate.

Meanwhile, some quality-of-life changes are implemented. For one, a new daily log-in reward track is added to the game, and some mechanisms to help deter gold sellers are in place. They are:
- Paid gold (purchased from the currency exchange) will have a 3-day withholding period. Gold that is under a withholding period will be called "withheld funds." Gold without a withholding period will be called "available funds." Withheld funds will be restricted in the following ways:
- Cannot send withheld funds through mail
- Cannot deduct from withheld funds when accepting billing mail
- Cannot use on 1:1 trades
- Cannot use in Auction House
- Cannot use in Marketplace
- Cannot use in Loot Auctions
- Added a Jukebox for Strongholds. Talk to the new Jukebox Exchange NPC in your Stronghold to start the “One Thing Missing” quest and learn how to use your Jukebox.
- Players can now change the background music while inside the Stronghold or near a Jukebox.
- Only 5 Jukebox items can be used at the same time.
- New soundtracks can be purchased from a variety of different NPCs like the new Jukebox Exchange NPC, various Wandering Merchants, vendors located outside different ports, and more.
So, will you try the Valtan Legion Raid in Inferno Difficulty after applying the latest patch for Lost Ark?