A new patch for the MMORPG Lost Ark is now available. Tons of new content are added in the Wrath of the Covetous Legion Update. Players will have their hands full as a couple of new raids and a new dungeon will keep them occupied for days.
New Raids

One of the main highlights of the Wrath of the Covetous Legion Update is the Vykas Legion Raid. This raid puts eight players against the members of the Covetous Legion and the Legion Commander Vykas herself in the Garden of Crimson Delight.
What’s interesting about this new legion raid is that there are no revives mid-battle, which means the group must devise their strategies beforehand to ensure victory. On top of that, players must be at least Item Level 1,430 to attempt the raid in Normal difficulty and 1,460 for Hard mode.
This raid also introduces two new items: Covetous Fangs (Legendary Gear) and Covetous Wings (Relic Gear). Players who successfully complete each gate in the Vykas Legion Raid will get these items, plus gold, Relic Accessories, and honing materials.
The Kungelanium Guardian Raid is now available in Lost Ark as well. Here, up to four players will battle against the frost predator Kungelanium. Those interested in facing this new challenge must have an Item Level of 1,460 or higher.

New Dungeon
Those who prefer tackling content solo may want to try and test their might in Thronespire - a new single-player dungeon with 50 levels. The objective here is simple: conquer as many levels and enemies as possible.
Players can earn rewards for every level they conquer. Furthermore, completing the first 25 levels of the dungeon grants them additional rewards. The other 25 levels are focused more on prestige and completion times; they’re meant for those who have what it takes to finish the entire thing.
Interested players will need to be Item Level 1,325 to participate.
Relax on the New Island

Some players may want to take a breather after taking on the new tasks introduced in Lost Ark. Those who need some R&R can head to the new Heartbeat Island by speaking to Jollous, the festival expert found in major cities. Alternatively, players can sail directly to the island, which is located near Anikka.
The good news is that players do not need to complete a quest or anything to enter. Additionally, after visiting the place for the first time, they can just go back to Heartbeat Island again using the Ocean Liner.
So, what do you think about the new content courtesy of the Wrath of the Covetous Legion Update?