New 'Call Of Duty' Game Getting Announced Next Week [RUMOR]

The next Call of Duty game will likely get announced by next week
The next Call of Duty game will likely get announced by next week Activision

While we have known that developer Infinity Ward is in charge of making a Call of Duty game for 2016, we still don’t know what the game is yet. It looks like we’ll finally get our answer by next week as it appears that the new Call of Duty game will begin its marketing campaign.

This rumor comes from industry expert Jim Sterling. Sterling tweeted an image, which can be seen above, of some kind of schedule for retailers. The image shows that on May 3, an Overwatch image will be replaced with a Battleborn image, and a Star Fox Zero image will get replaced with the new Call of Duty “reaveal” (sic).

Additionally, it has come out that studio elite3d will be helping Infinity Ward in some capacity. This news comes from website Charlie Intel, which provides a screenshot of the elite3d website announcing their next job. Unfortunately, the website has since been updated and this news does not appear there anymore.

Before you get concerned that Infinity Ward isn’t making the new Call of Duty game, elite3d only provides assistance with game development; they don’t take charge. Other games the studio has helped with include the new Hitman game, Ryse: Son of Rome and more. The new Call of Duty will still be an Infinity Ward game, the developers are just looking for a little bit of help is all.

Normally I warn readers that any Internet rumor has a good chance of being faked, and to take everything with a grain of salt. This time, the rumor is coming from Jim Sterling, a man who wouldn’t put his reputation on the line unless he was certain about his information. This is one rumor I feel confident will turn out to be real.

So what do you think? Are you excited to see what Infinity Ward has in store for Call of Duty? Do you think the new game will be Call of Duty Ghosts 2 or something different? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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