According to the official Mass Effect twitter, fans anxious for more news of Mass Effect: Andromeda will want to pay attention to NVIDIA’s CES 2017 keynote next Weds., Jan. 4.
Ready to see more Mass Effect: Andromeda environments and gameplay? Tune in to @nvidia's CES keynote next Wednesday:
— Mass Effect (@masseffect) December 29, 2016
CES 2017 starts Jan. 4 at 6:30 PM PST. NVIDIA co-founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang is the host of the pre-show keynote address. The keynote will include “[the] industry's most exciting tech unveilings in artificial intelligence (AI), self-driving cars, and gaming.”
In other Mass Effect: Andromeda news, lead designer Ian Frazier said the dev team is aiming for a challenge level “between ME2 and ME3” regardless of what difficulty level you’re playing on.
@JackieVakarian Varies per difficulty mode, of course, but on Normal we're aiming for roughly halfway between ME2 and ME3.
— Ian S. Frazier (@tibermoon) December 6, 2016
BioWare creative director Mac Walters has also hinted that the game’s two main characters, Scott and Sara Ryder, may not have the best of relationships with their pops. Walter stated, “if you were to ask Scott and Sara [about him], they might say he’s antagonistic at times,” though he also clarified that their father is not an antagonist per se.
We’ve also seen a new alien race, the Kett, one of whom will be a villain:
Learn all about the process of designing a brand new alien race for the Mass Effect universe in our exclusive video.
— Game Informer (@gameinformer) November 15, 2016
"With the whole kett race we wanted it to be foreboding but never to the point of it being ugly," Bioware art director Joel MacMillan said in an interview with GameInformer. "You still want to be able to empathise with these guys."
Kett love interest inbound?! I mean, it’s not like we ever got to date a Reaper, so…
Speaking of romance, always a hot topic with Bioware, it was confirmed that the two siblings will have different love interest options. Apparently, there are some player-sexual options too. Sorry, I meant bisexual, because obviously a bisexual would be attracted to both of the Ryders by default. Oh, Bioware.
Mass Effect: Andromeda releases on PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2017, with leaks pointing to a possible March release date. Looking forward to seeing more of the game in January? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below.