A new Tomb Raider game may have been discovered today, thanks to the watchful eyes of reddit user Tripleh280. The image seems to show a game logo for something called “Shadow of the Tomb Raider.”

The photo taken by Tripleh280 is incredibly blurry, but it is possible to see the “Tomb Raider” logo in the corner of the laptop screen. The text above “Tomb Raider” is a bit too blurry to make out, so we’ll all have to trust Tripleh280 on what it said.
To add some more credibility to this picture, Tripleh280 claims to live in Montreal, where this photo was taken on a subway ride. Square Enix Montreal is, as you would probably guess, located in Montreal, and has worked on Lara Croft GO in the past.
This leak raises a few different possibilities. “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” could be either a mobile game similar to Lara Croft GO or the next entry in the rebooted Tomb Raider franchise. The naming is similar enough to Rise of the Tomb Raider that it could be a plausible sequel. Alternatively, this could be some kind of hoax or fan project. This was found on a subway, so it really could be anything.
That being said, games have been spotted in public before and posted to reddit, so it is entirely possible this is legit. Personally, given the context of this popping up in Montreal, I think this will be some sort of mobile game. Looks like we’ll just have to wait for Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics to share some more information before we know anything for sure.
So what do you think? Will Shadow of the Tomb Raider be the next big entry in the Tomb Raider series? Is this all some elaborate hoax? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.