New World: Fellowship & Fire Update Removes Elemental Resist Mutation Effects from Mutated Expeditions

Fellowship & Fire Update
Fellowship & Fire Update Twitter/@playnewworld

Do you play as a mage in New World? If so, you’ve probably been in many situations where you can’t dish out a lot of damage when certain modifiers are active in Mutated Expeditions. Fortunately, the developers addressed that by removing a particular set of mutation effects in the newly released Fellowship & Fire update.

For those who do not know, Mutators (or mutation effects) in New World essentially make named enemies in Mutated Expeditions more challenging to defeat by granting them some bonuses.

Expeditions with an Elemental Resist mutation effect are troublesome for mages because monsters have increased resistance against a certain elemental damage type. For example, if your mage specializes in fire damage and you go into a Mutated Expedition with the fire elemental resist mutation effect active, you’re going to have a hard time eliminating some enemies.

The good news is that Elemental Resist mutation effects from all Mutated Expeditions have been removed in the Fellowship & Fire update. With this change, Mutated Expeditions will no longer have the 50/75% reduction in elemental damage for the elemental type associated with that mutation.

However, specific AI will still have some inherent resistances, so keep that in mind.

You can find other notable changes in this update below:

  • Fixed an issue where curses were not removed in Mutated Expeditions after the final boss was killed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Enflamed damage-over-time effect in Hellfire Mutators would sometimes get stuck on the player.
  • Fixed an issue where running an Expedition with the Frenzied Mutator and then receiving three stacks of the debuff "Unstable" would display the wrong damage number.
  • Fixed an issue causing many named item drops from Mutators to scale themselves to a player's Expertise level. These Mutator rewards should now behave consistently to other named items throughout the game.
  • Added Mutator Materia rewards to Cache of Mutated Armaments chests.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some Expeditions to receive the same elemental Mutations more often than intended.
  • Reduced the damage dealt by Anubian Archers.
  • Fixed a rare issue where Scarab fell through the world.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the Eruptions from Corruption Breaches to kill players through Death's Door.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Elk charges to not deal damage.
  • AI no longer hitch to the left while wandering.
  • Fixed a rare issue where AI that were attacked by ranged players would run to the wrong location and attack nothing.
  • Fixed an issue where certain enemies caused vegetation flickering.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Thunderking Tiger to always drop loot. It will no longer drop loot upon every defeat.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some attacks from Barbary Lion to not deal damage.
  • Fixed an issue where a player could be ignored by groups of enemies.
  • Fixed Range's fur so it is beautiful, luxurious and wintry white.

New World Fellowship & Fire update is now available on PC.

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