Nintendo Switch reveals are planned for a Jan. 12 event, and the console's launch game rumors are starting to get pretty sweet. New speculation suggests The Legend Of Zelda, Metroid and Mother 3 might be part of the console’s early calendar
Starting with Breath Of The Wild, there’s been lots of speculation about whether or not Link’s 2017 quest will be ready on day one. Over the holiday break, it seems the tide has turned toward a possible March release. Nintendo insider Emily Rogers was one of the first to cite sources claiming a summer arrival, but she has since changed her tune. “I expect to be wrong on Zelda,” she tweeted on Monday, “it’s coming March in NA.” Should that be true, those details will likely be revealed at the presentation next week.
You get some rumors right, some wrong.
— Emily Rogers (@ArcadeGirl64) January 2, 2017
I expect to be right on Mother 3, Mario Kart.
I expect to be wrong on Zelda. It's coming March in NA
While less certain as a launch title, there’s also talk of a proper Switch Metroid game too. In this case the chatter comes from Unseen64 contributor Liam Robertson. The connected internet personality mused that he’s “much more interested in whether or not they’ll announce Metroid in January or wait for E3.” Nintendo has yet to confirm any such franchise development for Switch, which makes this comment all the more interesting. However, the uncertainty of even an E3 announcement could put the title towards the tail end of the Switch launch window, if it’s even ready at all.
Much more interested in whether or not they'll announce Metroid in January or wait for E3 than anything else at this point.
— _am Robertson (@Doctor_Cupcakes) January 2, 2017
The case for the ever-elusive Mother 3 sounds a lot more imminent, though. Infamous leaker Laura Kate Dale tweeted on Monday that “Mother 3 VC Switch [will be available] Q2 2017 [and] announced at the Jan. 12 event.” For those not in the know, Mother 3 is the Game Boy Advance sequel to EarthBound for the SNES, but it was never released in North America. Existence of an official translation has long been discussed in place of popular fan projects, and, if this rumor is correct, it could be available by June. As a supposed Virtual Console release, its price shouldn’t be too steep either.
Mother 3 VC Switch Q2 2017. Will be announced Jan 12 event.
— Laura Kate Dale (@LaurakBuzz) January 2, 2017
All three of of these titles have been featured on E3 wishlists over the past few years, but is it possible we’ll soon be playing them on Switch? As the January event approaches, rumors are bound to get especially hot. Is this the stuff of dreams or a preview of reality? Even though these sources are qualified, it’s hard to know for sure. Taking these assertions with a grain of salt is encouraged.
Aside from its Jan. 12 reveal, the Nintendo Switch is expected to be on store shelves this March.
What do you think of this games lineup? Do you want Zelda, Metroid or Mother 3 most at launch? Tell us in the comments section!