Some No Man’s Sky players are experiencing major system crashes on launch day. While these kinds of issues are not uncommon, when the game does crash your PS4 the results can be pretty bad. I have experienced two game crashes post-launch with No Man’s Sky within the first three hours of playing the game. The second crash wiped all my progress and forced me to reinstall the game. Another reporter for iDigitalTimes experienced two crashes post-launch of No Man’s Sky as well.
We are not alone. PS4 users took to Twitter to express their frustration with the No Man’s Sky crashes.
Two system crashes - one a total freeze requiring a hard reboot - in No Man's Sky in less than an hour. Fuck this shit...
— Jack Kentala (@JDKworks) August 9, 2016
Woke up early to try 'No Man's Sky' before work. So far I've had 3 game crashes and 7 minutes of play. Maybe I'll boot up the Xbox One.
— NineMileDetour (@NineMileDetour) August 9, 2016
Had about four crashes in No Man's Sky today. Quite annoying.
— Kirk McKeand (@MckKirk) August 9, 2016
Those who pre-ordered No Man’s Sky are dealing with a strange bug as well. Reddit user Alucitary shared his experience with the No Man’s Sky pre-order bug, detailing an annoyingly persistent pop-up message:
If you pre ordered the game digitally then you got access to a free ship that you are able to redeem from the very beginning of the game. The problem is that the ship comes pre installed with a Warp Drive. Switching out the starter ship early on results in a good chunk of the tutorial getting cut out, leaving you with some missing knowledge on how stations and shopping works. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if the game would let you just ignore it, but instead you will receive a MADDENINGLY persistent message telling you that you have unredeemed items until you finally break down and switch out the ship. This message will pop up OVER your tutorial objectives and completely ruin your experience.
Right now it looks like there is no way around this. If you want to experience the full tutorial you have to suffer through the message, if you want to get the pre order ship asap you will miss out on part of the tutorial. Super annoying.
Super annoying, indeed. No Man’s Sky development team hasn’t released a statement regarding the bugs or game crashes. Let’s hope it’s just first day growing pains. Have you experienced any issues or bugs with No Man’s Sky ? Let us know in the comments section below.