‘Pokémon Go’ Buddy System: How Far Each Pokémon Needs To Walk To Earn Candy

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  • iOS
  • Open World
The Buddy System in 'Pokemon Go'
The Buddy System in 'Pokemon Go' Niantic

The Buddy System in Pokémon Go is one of the biggest updates in the mobile game’s short life, and while many still don’t have the update many players have begun to document all the details on what everyone else can expect when it’s rolled out.

There’s a lot to learn from the Buddy System, including how to choose your Buddy and a lot of other things. Be sure to check out our Buddy System overview guide.

However, not many Pokémon Go players know how far they have to walk to get the candy they desire. Each Buddy Pokémon will net you only one candy per specified distance but the more you walk, the more candies you can earn to either evolve faster or get the candy needed to increase your Pokémon’s CP.

The good folks over at VG 24/7 have compiled a list of Pokémon with the amount of distance Pokémon Go Hub go even further in separating the best Buddy Pokémon in Pokémon Go, so be sure to check that out as well.

Here’s the Buddy Pokémon broken up by how far you need to walk to get one candy in Pokémon Go:

1km per Candy Buddy Pokemon

  • Caterpie

  • Metapod

  • Butterfree

  • Weedle

  • Kakuna

  • Beedrill

  • Pidgey

  • Pidgeotto

  • Pidgeot

  • Rattata

  • Raticate

  • Spearow

  • Fearow

  • Pikachu

  • Raichu

  • Clefairy

  • Clefable

  • Jigglypuff

  • Wigglytuff

  • Zubat

  • Golbat

  • Geodude

  • Graveler

  • Golem

  • Magikarp

  • Gyarados

3km per Candy Buddy Pokemon

  • Bulbasaur

  • Ivysaur

  • Venusaur

  • Charmander

  • Charmeleon

  • Charizard

  • Squirtle

  • Wartortle

  • Blastoise

  • Ekans

  • Arbok

  • Sandshrew

  • Sandslash

  • Nidoran (F)

  • Nidorina

  • Nidoqueen

  • Nidoran (M)

  • Nidorino

  • Nidoking

  • Vulpix

  • Ninetales

  • Oddish

  • Gloom

  • Vileplume

  • Paras

  • Parasect

  • Venonat

  • Venomoth

  • Diglett

  • Dugtrio

  • Meowth

  • Persian

  • Psyduck

  • Golduck

  • Mankey

  • Primeape

  • Growlithe

  • Arcanine

  • Poliwag

  • Poliwhirl

  • Poliwrath

  • Abra

  • Kadabra

  • Alakazam

  • Machop

  • Machoke

  • Machamp

  • Bellsprout

  • Weepinbell

  • Victreebel

  • Tentacool

  • Tentacruel

  • Ponyta

  • Rapidash

  • Slowpoke

  • Slowbro

  • Magnemite

  • Magneton

  • Farfetch’d

  • Doduo

  • Dodrio

  • Seel

  • Dewgong

  • Grimer

  • Muk

  • Shellder

  • Cloyster

  • Gastly

  • Haunter

  • Gengar

  • Drowzee

  • Hypno

  • Krabby

  • Kingler

  • Voltorb

  • Electrode

  • Exeggcute

  • Exeggutor

  • Cubone

  • Marowak

  • Lickitung

  • Koffing

  • Weezing

  • Rhyhorn

  • Rhydon

  • Tangela

  • Kangaskhan

  • Horsea

  • Seadra

  • Goldeen

  • Seaking

  • Staryu

  • Starmie

  • Tauros

  • Porygon

5km per Candy Buddy Pokemon

  • Onyx

  • Hitmonlee

  • Hitmonchan

  • Chansey

  • Mr. Mime

  • Scyther

  • Jynx

  • Electabuzz

  • Magmar

  • Pinsir

  • Lapras

  • Eevee

  • Vaporeon

  • Jolteon

  • Flareon

  • Omanyte

  • Omastar

  • Kabuto

  • Kabutops

  • Aerodactyl

  • Snorlax

  • Dratini

  • Dragonair

  • Dragonite
Pokémon Go
A Flawed But Magnificent Experience
Pokémon Go has swept the country but is the mobile game worth an install? Despite its flaws, Pokémon Go really delivers the Pokemon-capture experience.
  • As Close To Living Pokémon Fantasy As It Gets
  • Active And Engaging Experience
  • Lots Of Mon And Events
  • Battles Aren't What Fans Expect
  • Very Grindy
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