‘Pokémon Go’ Gen 2 Update: Code For Ditto And 100 New Pokémon Found

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Open World
Ditto as it appears in the 'Pokemon' anime
Ditto as it appears in the 'Pokemon' anime Pokemon Company

Players of Pokémon Go are anxiously awaiting the update that will bring 100 new Pokémon from the Johto Region to the mobile game. And with the brand new update from Niantic that brings Daily Quests to the game, coders found hints of Ditto and the Gen 2 Pokémon coming soon.

According to the Silph Road, the latest update for Android devices included some coding for possible future updates.

First off, one new move was added and that is Transform, the signature move of Ditto. However, the coders say Ditto does not actually have Transform as one of its movesets, only Struggle.

They deduce that Transform can’t be used in battle, but may occur when you encounter a wild Ditto.

As for the Gen 2 Pokémon, the Pokémon Go coding makes reference to 100 new Pokémon (the exact amount added in Pokémon Gold and Silver) and 52 new families. Again, the coders note none of the new Pokémon have their movesets included in this latest update and the moves themselves haven't even appeared in the code yet.

According to the coders, this means a server and client-side change will have to occur before Gen 2 is launched. This means the update may still be weeks, if not months, away.

The Silph Road coders do note that Niantic has picked up its update cycle lately with the Halloween update, Daily Quests and the refined Gym Capture system so the upcoming updates may come sooner than they would when Pokémon Go was first released.

However, we would like to remind readers that the updated Tracking System and Trading Features have been in the coding of Pokémon Go for some time now without them being implemented so just because Gen 2 and Ditto are now in the game, it may be some time before players actually see it.

So what do you think of Pokémon Go finally getting Gen 2? Let us know in the comments section below.

Pokémon Go
A Flawed But Magnificent Experience
Pokémon Go has swept the country but is the mobile game worth an install? Despite its flaws, Pokémon Go really delivers the Pokemon-capture experience.
  • As Close To Living Pokémon Fantasy As It Gets
  • Active And Engaging Experience
  • Lots Of Mon And Events
  • Battles Aren't What Fans Expect
  • Very Grindy
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