Pokémon Go is launching a Snubbull Limited Research event which offers at least 50 Timed Research tasks for Trainers to complete. It’s going to be this Saturday, May 9, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, local time.
This event is on top of the Throwback Challenge already taking place this month. The challenge is divided into four different themes and ends with the Champion 2020 Special Research. You can read more about that here.
That’s not all that’s happening this month. A week later on May 17, there’s going to be an Incense Day which is going to feature Dark-type Pokémon and Water-type Pokémon. Starting from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM local time, Trainers can attract these two types of Pokémon using Incense. The complete schedule is shown below:
- 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM : Water-type Pokémon
- 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM : Dark-type Pokémon
- 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM : Water-type Pokémon
- 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM : Dark-type Pokémon
- 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM : Water-type Pokémon
- 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM : Dark-type Pokémon
For the water-type, Pokémon Trainers are likely to meet Horsea and Tympole. During the period for dark-type, players will run into an increase of Murkrow and Sableye, among others.
For this event, an event-exclusive 1 PokéCoin bundle which comes with three Incense will be offered.
PokéCoin System
Speaking of PokéCoin, the Pokémon Go team revealed that it’s headed for a revamp. Currently, the only way to earn them is to defend Gyms. However, more features have been added to this system that has changed how some Trainers play the game.

With the recent pandemic, more players are staying at home and playing. In a statement, the team said that they’ve been “looking to provide more ways for you to earn PokéCoins while playing in one place." The team went on to say that Trainers should expect to get PokéCoins for activities instead of simply defending Gyms.
These activities include:
- Make a Excellent Throw
- Evolve a Pokémon
- Make a Great Throw
- Use a Berry to help catch a Pokémon
- Take a snapshot of your buddy
- Catch a Pokémon
- Power up a Pokémon
- Make a Nice Throw
- Transfer a Pokémon
- Win a raid
Trainers who complete the featured activities given each day get five PokéCoins.
This change, is meant as a balance. As such, PokéCoins earned from defending Gyms have been lowered to two per hour from six. In addition, the maximum number of PokéCoins Trainers can earn in one day is now 55.
Currently this revamped system is being tested in Australia with the team collecting feedback and then performing additional testing based on the results. After that, the new system is going to be available to all Trainers around the world.
What are your thoughts on these change? What about the events being held this month? Let us know in the comments section below.
- As Close To Living Pokémon Fantasy As It Gets
- Active And Engaging Experience
- Lots Of Mon And Events
- Battles Aren't What Fans Expect
- Very Grindy