'Pokémon Sun And Moon' Easter Eggs: The Best Hidden Secrets From Alola You Might Have Missed

  • 3DS
  • RPG
I love this picture so much, don't mess with Pallosand
I love this picture so much, don't mess with Pallosand TatanRg via Deviantart

Pokémon Sun and Moon has been out for a couple of weeks now and players are still trying to find out all of Alola’s secrets. Gamefreak and the Pokémon Company really put a ton of love and effort into making this world feel as real as possible and they even included some amazing Easter eggs. Some are references to older games, while others are just neat little nods or pop culture references.

Here are my absolute favorite easter eggs in Pokémon Sun and Moon . Reminder, there will be spoilers for the game in here.

Nugget Bridge- At the Malie Garden to the north of Malie City, you can see five trainers waiting on a yellow bridge. Each one you beat moves you forward, allowing you to fight the trainer at the end of the bridge. He asks if you would like to join Team Rocket and then a fight ensues. When you beat him, you get a Nugget for your troubles and says that Team Rocket is no longer around. If you are an old trainer, this should all sound very familiar, this is a direct reference to the original Nugget Bridge from Red, Blue and Yellow.

Kanto References Everywhere- The Nugget Bridge isn’t the only allusion to the original games in Sun and Moon . Your character just moved from Kanto, the first world from Red and Blue , Professor Kukui brings up Lance and the original Elite Four and Lillie has to go see Bill to learn more about human/Pokémon transformations. Red and Blue, the protagonist and antagonist from the OG games, even make an appearance. It’s like Nintendo is trying to bring us back to our Pokémon roots.

Game Freak Office- Every single Pokémon game offers a small snippet of the Gamefreak offices, the place where all the Pokémon games are made. Usually they are just small rooms where you can show your maxed out Pokedex for a prize, but Sun and Moon is different. The developers put painstaking detail into recreating the actual office in Heahee City.

There’s Ash- Near Route 14, when you enter the abandoned supermarket, you can see a picture of Ash Ketchum inside the closet where Mimikyu is hiding. It’s tiny, but there’s no denying that red hat, blue coat and happy Pikachu on his shoulder.

Bonus: Ash’s Shirt- This one isn’t in the actual game, but I thought it was too good to pass up. In the new Sun and Moon anime series, Ash is wearing a shirt that alludes to the original games. It’s the old Surf image, no matter what Pokémon you were riding, it always looked like a disgruntled Seel.

There are a ton of other little nods in the game, like a construction worker handing you exactly 1776 dollars near what looks like an American flag in the Aether foundation’s building. Maxx’s video has all of these little nods.

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