It’s not surprising that Pokémon Sun and Moon will receive an official physical strategy guide, but what may be surprising to prospective trainers ready to venture into the Alola Region is that there will also be a Collector's Edition Strategy Guide when Sun and Moon releases Nov. 18.
Amazon has the listing for both 350-page guides, with the standard Sun and Moon strategy guide priced at $24.99 and the collector’s edition coming in at $39.99. But for those 40 bucks you’ll get the snazzy hardcover treatment plus “bonus content.”
What the “bonus content” means is not known, but here are the details of what’s included in the Pokémon Sun and Moon collector’s edition strategy guide.
-Premium Hardcover
-Bonus Content only available in the Collector’s Edition
-Detailed walkthrough of the brand-new Pokémon games!
-Locations of where to catch Pokémon!
-Lists of moves, items, and more—including how to obtain them!
-Helpful tips for getting the most out of communication features!
-Pullout map of the region!

Pokémon Sun and Moon will introduce the brand new Alola region along with a slew of new Pokémon. Fans were already introduced to the Alola region starters, Rowlett, Litten and Popplio and the Legendary Pokémon that may or may not be named Solgaleo and Lunaala.
Trainer Customization and what looks to be revamped graphics may make the Gen 7 games the best in the franchise.
So will you be purchasing the Pokémon Sun and Moon strategy guide? Let us know in the comments section below.