'Prison Architect' Update 2.0 Will Be Last Major Patch, Says Introversion

Prison Architect
Prison Architect Photo: Introversion Software

For several years now, Prison Architect fans have enjoyed monthly influxes of content and bug fixes, not unlike the release schedule Mojang has adopted for post-launch Minecraft support. But it seems we’ve reached the end of the road.

Introversion Software published its latest monthly patch preview this week, giving fans an early look at the changes being introduced in Prison Architect 2.0. But the preview of Update 8 also brought word that monthly support for the prison construction and management simulator will now begin to wind down. No longer should fans expect to see new content added to the game on a monthly basis. Introversion will continue to patch bugs, as needed, but going forward the studio’s attention will be diverted to the next projects in its pipeline.

On the plus side, we did get confirmation of more Prison Architect ports in the near future. The studio says its prison management sim will still hit Xbox 360 next week and a tablet version of Prison Architect is apparently on the way, too. Unfortunately, they won’t feature any new content fans haven’t already seen in the PC, PS4 and Xbox One builds. But it’s hard not to be excited about the opportunity to play Prison Architect on the go.

For a closer look at the changes coming to Prison Architect, grab yourself something to drink and settle in for Introversion Software’s 47-minute preview of Update 8. Then head down to the comments section and let us know what you think of the news that monthly updates for Prison Architect are coming to an end.

Be sure to check back with iDigitalTimes.com and follow Scott on Twitter for more Prison Architect coverage throughout 2016 and however much longer Introversion supports Prison Architect.

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