‘Resident Evil 7 Biohazard’ Trailer: Damn It Don’t Answer That Phone, RUN!

This is NOT Lisa from Silent Hills P.T., in case you were confused.
This is NOT Lisa from Silent Hills P.T., in case you were confused. Capcom

Every time there’s a new Resident Evil 7 biohazard trailer, our first instinct is to nope the heck out of whatever fresh hell they reveal to us. This is a good thing. This is a very good thing.

The latest trailer for Resident Evil 7 biohazard includes a creepy recorder and mysterious caller. The message to fans: “Take the time to save in #RE7… You never know what will be lurking in the shadows.”


Okay, Resident Evil 7 biohazard , we see you. This game better make us pee our pants because the hype is real, especially after the developers announced the game will be a PlayStation VR exclusive for the first year.

Another interesting part of this latest Resident Evil 7 biohazard teaser is that the game asks you to save. We’re curious to see if this is the new save system producer Masachika Kawata recently discussed during an interview with YugaTech. Kawata confirmed Resident Evil 7 biohazard will try out a new save system for a more enjoyable gameplay experience.

“The game is a linear experience, meaning not that there’s only one way through, rather it takes place in a linear timeline, so it’s not divided into chapters,” Kawata told Yugatech . “However, as far as saving is concerned, there’s an auto-save system, so if you die you can restart not as far back. There will also be rooms to act as manual save points. Just to note, depending on the difficulty situation that you choose, the saving system also varies. If you choose a harder difficulty, the saving system won’t be so nice to you.”

This game better fill the void left behind by the cancellation of Silent Hills P.T. Yes, we’re still bitter about that, Konami. You did us wrong by letting Hideo Kojima go. The last game that kind of scared us was Layers of Fear, but even that indie game could’ve upped the fear factor.

iDigitalTimes recently played the Resident Evil 7 biohazard demo for the PlayStation VR headset at New York Comic Con 2016. Check out our impressions of the game in VR here . Resident Evil 7 biohazard will be released PS4, Xbox One and PC on Jan. 24, 2017.

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