There is a good chance Samsung will in fact name its upcoming flagship smartphone the Galaxy S8. The manufacturer recently filed an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to acquire legal rights to the name.
Phandroid discovered the application, which was filed Jan. 12 and includes the name Galaxy S8. Oftentimes, companies begin filing various certification requirements in the weeks leading up to a device launch. In addition to the USPTO filings, details about Bluetooth and cellular service certifications often surface around this time, which can be a telltale sign that Samsung is preparing to announce a new device.
There is still no definitive word on when the Galaxy S8 will be announced or released; however, there are a few ideas circulating. If any are true the device could be official anywhere between February and April.
Many rumors suggest Samsung may release at least two Galaxy S8 models: a standard model and a Galaxy S8 Edge model or a Galaxy S8 Plus model. However, Phandroid noted that there is no mention of other device variants in the application as well as no other listings for alternate names.
Among other rumors for the Galaxy S8, the device may features no home button and may cost as much as $849. At this time, Samsung has not confirmed any details about the smartphone.