Skyrim has come to Nintendo Switch, and one of the port’s highlight features is the addition of exclusive Zelda-themed gear, including the Master Sword, Hylian Shield and Champion’s Tunic. The best part is, you don’t need Amiibo to find it either.
Getting The Zelda Gear Without Amiibo

- Using the screenshot above, make your way to High Hrothgar and the Throat Of The World. For the easiest path you should learn the Clear Skies shout to get past the wind barrier at Hrothgar. You get that from the Throat Of The World early-game main quest.
- Alternately, you can follow along the cliff edges to climb to High Hrothgar too. The trek is arduous, however, and it can take a good 15 to 20 minutes, even for skilled adventurers.
- Nearing the summit, the ground will level off to an area with a Dragon Tablet. Walk past it and go down the westward paths by the cliff’s edge. You’ll know you’ve made it to the right place when you come to a stack of rocks.
- The path continues south and leads to a clearing with a chest. Inside you’ll find the Master Sword (if you don’t already have it), the Champion’s Tunic and Hylian Shield.
This gear is fairly average and will eventually be outpowered by better stuff as you work your way through quests, but it’s a nice early-game bonus.
Get The Zelda Gear With Amiibo
Just in case you need a refresher, here’s how you can get the same gear if you’ve got a Zelda Amiibo. Simply scan the figure of your choosing and a chest will drop from the sky with a 20 percent chance of containing a gear piece. Technically, you can only scan an applicable Amiibo once per day, but manipulating the date of your Switch in the settings menu will help you get the goods faster.
That’s all there is to know about Zelda gear in Skyrim for Nintendo Switch. There isn’t much to this port in terms of new or updated content, so enjoy these goodies while you’ve got them.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC.
Were you able to get all the Zelda gear using this guide? Has it made your Switch Skyrim experience any better? Tell us in the comments section!