Star Fox Zero will release April 22 for the Nintendo Wii U, but review copies have already been shipped and with them come brand new details about the long-awaited game.
The first new details involve the Falco amiibo from the Super Smash Bros. series, and how it affects the game. Previously, Nintendo revealed that, like most Nintendo games, Star Fox Zero will have amiibo compatibility and the Fox McCloud amiibo was said to give players retro arwings.
In fact, the Fox amiibo will swap your team’s arwings for the Super NES versions.

But the real news is what the Falco amiibo gives you. According to YouTube user AbdallaSmash026’s video, the Falco amiibo allows access to the Black Arwing. This new Arwing increases the damage you deal to enemies, but the drawback is that your defenses are much lower.
AbdallaSmash026 claims you will be taking up to three times more damage from attacks using the Black Arwing, so if you want a bit of a challenge in Star Fox Zero, this could be what you are looking for.

And before you ask, no other amiibo are supported; your Pokémon and Fire Emblem amiibo will not unlock any new Arwings or modes. But we went ahead and tried it for ourselves, anyways just to be sure.

So what do you think of the Falco amiibo in Star Fox Zero? Are you looking forward to the game? Sound off in the comments section below.