Steven Universe Episode 'We Need To Talk' Recap: A Tall Glass Can Quench Much Thirst [SPOILERS]

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Steven Universe.
Steven Universe. (c) Cartoon Network

Steven Universe has officially come off of hiatus, and today’s episode, “We Need To Talk,” has leaked online. Steven Universe episode “We Need To Talk” is the fourth of a planned #StevenBomb with five new episodes in a row.

We started off with the exceptional “Sworn to the Sword,” which focused on Pearl’s trauma from the Gem war and Connie’s exceptional development as a fighter. Then we had “Rising Tides/Crashing Skies”: a major lull in the action that served as a reminder of the wild and wacky humans the Crystal Gems have charged themselves with protecting. But things got very abruptly real and very, very serious in yesterday’s “Keeping It Together,” one of the darkest episodes of Steven Universe yet.

Thursday's episode, “We Need To Talk,” is about Greg and the kids having a much-needed talk about Gem fusion. As we’ve done before, please enjoy this Steven Universe episode recap/review. Spoiler warning (duh).

The episode begins with Steven helping his father sort records along with Connie. They listen to some of Greg’s old records, and Steven and Connie dance, spinning and laughing. They’re dangerously drift-compatible. Boom: for a few moments, the return of Stevonnie!

Greg almost passes out at the sight. Connie begs Greg not to say anything to her parents, who don’t know she’s been doing any “magic stuff” like training with Pearl (Connie, having met your parents, that’s gonna bite you in the butt). Greg assures her that he’s probably the only human being in a position to understand. Story time!

Greg starts off with a video of young rocker Greg singing a song together with Rose Quartz. Garnet’s on keytar, and Amethyst is banging away on drums. Rose and Greg’s harmonies are cute, perfect…. drift-compatible….?

The song’s repeated line is, “What can I do for you?” But that’s a dangerous question when a Crystal Gem is asking it. Pearl is pointedly not a part of the band. Watching jealously from the sidelines, she’s struck by the ultimate idea and leaps on stage to whisper it into Rose’s ear. Something Pearl can do, that Greg can’t…

Pearl and Rose fuse on stage into a very beautiful fusion, with a combination of Rose’s delight and Pearl’s spite. The magnificent Rainbow Quartz dances to Greg’s solo for a few brief moments before splitting apart. Pearl stares with pointed triumph at Greg, then drops the mike. Pearl, you are… you are gay, Pearl. You are a gay transcendent space rock, and I appreciate you.

Rose Quartz flirts sweetly with Greg a few moments longer, then teleports away. Little Amethyst sticks around to collect her payment for hitting the drums: a bag of snacks. Thanks for your hustle, Amethyst.

Pearl also sticks around -- to stick the knife into her rival for Rose’s attention and affection. “You’re just a phase. You know that, right?” Pearl says coldly over her shoulder to Greg. She twists the knife further, right where it hurts, telling Greg that he knows nothing about Rose and that Rose considers him a charming novelty at best. Greg is in love and stubborn, though, so Pearl explains (as Amethyst, munching her payment snacks like popcorn, slides wide-eyed into the background) that humans cannot fuse.

The sheer pettiness of Pearl’s spite and envy is funny, but it’s also rather cruel. It’s a good thing we had “Sworn to the Sword” earlier this week, which helps explain the all-encompassing depth of Pearl’s feeling for Rose, because this level of cruel, cold disrespect is tough to swallow. No wonder Pearl’s relationship with Steven has been difficult at times.

Greg’s feathers are ruffled, but he asks Pearl if any human has ever tried fusing with a Gem, to which Pearl admits, well, no… Greg rises, dramatically drops the mike (boo-ya) and says, “Well then, I will try!”

Amethyst in the background, still crunching on her snacks, starts flailing her limbs: “HO-HOOO!!!!” Pearl rolls her eyes and stalks off.

Later on the beach, Greg is trying to practice Pearl’s dance moves from the fusion footage they recorded earlier. (Hah!) Rocker Greg can’t do it and flops down on the beach. Little Amethyst appears: “Hey, are you dead?” Garnet’s in tow, too: just the person to ask about fusion. Unfortunately, she’s less than helpful. Her recipe for fusion is as follows:

  1. Gem at core of being

  2. Body that can turn into light

  3. Partner who you trust with that light

  4. Not metaphorically

  5. Literally

Greg is distraught. Garnet takes a look at him, then picks up a stick and throws it far, far away: “Amethyst, give us some privacy!” Amethyst immediately scampers after it, howling. Cute and funny. Garnet kneels next to Greg and tells him that she believes he can do it.

In the next scene, young Greg has set up a wildly romantic area on the pier, with lights, music, and moonlight. He dips and kisses Rose Quartz, and she blinks up at him with her eyes shining like stars, Steven-style. (Ohhh, my heart.) But when Greg exclaims in disappointment that they didn’t fuse, Rose blinks, then howls, “WHAT?!”

She breaks into giggles and explains that he can’t do it; he’s a human. Greg tries to talk to Rose about being “just” a human, and whether or not Rose even respects him, but Rose only laughs in response. Finally, Greg begs her: “Rose, please! Can you just talk to me for one second like a real person?!”

This brings Rose up short, and she abruptly stops laughing. “I’m -- not a real person,” she says frankly. “I thought… haven’t we… is this not how it works?”

It’s a moment of cross-cultural misunderstanding that seems to stab Greg through the heart, as he starts laughing, then crying, in response to Rose’s worried confusion. Tears streaming down his face, Greg asks her how they’ll make their relationship work. They embrace, and talk a little bit more freely. “How’d you end up with Harpo, Groucho, and Chico?” Greg asks her -- GREG, OH MY GOD, WHO’S WHO?

Pan to the Crystal Gems, who are relaxing nearby, mostly but not entirely out of sight. Have they been there the whole time?! I’m cackling, especially at Pearl’s extremely urgent hiss of, “What are they doing?!” Garnet shushes her.

The conversation gets really serious as Greg starts hauling the word “love” into it. Love is torture, he cries, to Rose’s intense worry. She apologizes deeply and sincerely, but Greg tells her not to, which sends Rose into another howl of confusion. But Greg assures her of his reciprocal confusion, and they both laugh. Rose pulls Greg into a twirl --

Cut to Pearl’s cranky aggravation. “Why are they still dancing?!” PEARL. Amethyst is watching them spin with her chin on her hands as she lays belly-down on the beach and comments, “I think this one’s my favorite.” Pearl lowers her head as she says unhappily, “I think he’s her favorite too.”

Oh, Pearl. I understand the depth of her hurt, spurned feelings, considering her extreme devotion to and love for Rose that we’ve seen many times before. Rose means the entire world to Pearl, and to feel thrown aside for a creature Pearl can’t even respect, an insignificant piece of entertainment at best, despite everything Pearl can offer that Greg can’t -- ouch. I find myself thankful again that Pearl has grown somewhat and is able to find love in her heart for Steven, even if she struggles with Rose’s ghost. That could have turned out so badly.

Back in the future, Connie asks Greg if he and Rose were ever able to fuse. Greg scratches his head ruefully and admits that they weren’t -- but that it wasn’t as important as talking to each other. (Message?!) He tells Connie that if she ever needs to talk to another human being about this, she can talk to him. They do a cute little “human being” high-five --

Cut to Steven, his hand on his little red shirt, as he softly says “human beings” and tightens his hand over his gem. Oh, baby. Oh, my heart. Steven has fought very hard to be considered a real Crystal Gem, but this is the first time he’s really seen himself on the outside of humanity.

Great episode for several reasons: more 80’s Gem fashion, more Rose and Greg backstory, the reveal of Rainbow Quartz, and lots of little funny moments scattered amongst the heavier stuff. It’s a better balance than yesterday’s stark and horrifying episode, but still gives us a lot to think about. How did Rose move from seeing Greg as light, charming entertainment to making Steven with him? How did Pearl make even a grudging and bitter peace with her rival for Rose? How did Pearl overcome her feelings against Greg to raise Steven? What are the three long stories for how Rose’s companions came to be with her? What are some details of Rose's warlike past? Can I please get further confirmation that Pearl now loves Steven for Steven himself? Which one’s Chico?!

Tomorrow’s episode, “Chille Tid,” is about the Gems and Steven having a sleepover. We’ll see if that’s code for more horror, pathos, and tragedy, or if they just have a cute little sleepover. Knowing Steven Universe, it’s bound to be both somehow, but I do expect a dip in the emotional intensity of the action. My heart just can’t take it, guys.

To check out past recaps, just click here for all of our previous Steven Universe coverage. Find out more details about the episodes after hiatus here (they all air at 6 PM EST). See you tomorrow for more new Steven Universe!

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