This week’s update added the new Manager class and Hybrid Destroyer subclass. Find out about the changes along with an update tank class tree, here. has seen a number of updates since its release, the latest of which added two new classes -- Manager and a Destroyer branch called "Hybrid" -- while also making changes to how bullet penetration works.
We’ve put together a rundown of what we know about the new classes, bullet penetration and an updated class tree to help you decide what upgrade paths you will take.
How New Bullet Penetration Works
According to the developers, bullet penetration has to do with the health of bullets but before bullets used to dole out their whole damage no matter how much health they had. The adjusted bullet penetration makes the amount of damage they do proportionate to the amount of health they have. The change is aimed at making bullets “behave more fairly,” said the developer.
Some tips and strategy for using the new Manager class can be found, here.
New Manager Class: What It Does And How To Get It

A new subclass of Overseer, called “Manager” is an upgrade option now. The new tank is a mixture of the Overseer and Stalker tanks, according to the update notes. In order to try out the manager class, you’ll need to upgrade via the Sniper path to Overseer. Once you reach level 45, the new Manager tank upgrade will become available to you. The Manager class gives you both zoom and an invisible feature while launching triangles when it attacks.
New Destroyer "Hybrid" Subclass: What It Does And How To Get It
A new subclass of the Destroyer class has been added called Hybrid. The Destroyer is a newer tank that you can choose as part of the Machine Gun path. Thus far, Destroyer was as far as you could go in this class with no level 45 upgrade. The Hybrid class fills in that tank upgrade path. As more is learned about this tank, we’ll be sure to update this post.
Complete List Of Tank Classes And Class Tree

At level 15 you can choose from one of four Tank class paths:
- Twin
- Sniper
- Machine Gun
- Flank guard
At level 30, each of those classes can be upgraded to:
- Twin -> Triple shot, Twin Flank or Quad Tank
- Sniper -> Overseer or Hunter
- Machine Gun -> Destroyer or Gunner
- Flank guard -> Twin Flank, Quad Tank, TriAngle
At level 45, each of those classes can be upgraded to:
- Triple shot -> Triplet or Pentashot
- Twin Flank -> Triple Twin or Octo Tank
- TriAngle -> Booster or Fighter
- Destroyer -> Unnamed new class
- Gunner -> (no upgrades past 30)
- Assassin -> Stalker or Ranger
- Overseer -> Manager, Overlord or Necromancer
- Hunter -> (no further upgrades after level 30)
Do you have a favorite Class or upgrade path you’ve been using? Share it with us along with your gameplay strategies at If we like your tips, we’ll publish them, along with a shout out to you of course.