'The Walking Dead' Season 7 Episode 3 SPOILERS Tease Torture And A Pregnant Character?

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Daryl is a prisoner of war.
Daryl is a prisoner of war. AMC

The Walking Dead season 7 is underway and episode 3 is nearly here. In preparation for it, we have some huge SPOILERS from Spoiler TV and TV Geek Talk to share. Pregnancy and torture seem to be a major topic of the plot and we’ll fill you in on who might be involved!

First and foremost for anyone that’s been watching The Walking Dead or has seen some of this week’s promos, it shouldn’t come as a shock that Sunday’s script focuses largely on Daryl Dixon. Like we described in a previous speculation piece, he’s been tortured by Dwight and Negan since Glenn’s death. Now, we have a few more details about exactly why all of this is going on.

Obviously it doesn’t hurt to keep Daryl captive as leverage over Rick, but Negan’s aspirations are much more sinister than that. Assuming he’s kept alive, Negan would like to recruit Dixon to be one of his most faithful soldiers. Negan expressed admiration for Daryl’s strength in the premiere, and now he wants to use it for his own bidding. To do that, his prisoner must first be broken to the point of losing all identity.

Eech member of Negan’s militia must refer to themselves as Negan, and the goal is for Daryl to be next. Physical brutality, mental tricks and unusual punishments will be used to make it so. In the latter category, Negan constantly plays “Easy Street” from Annie to make sure Daryl stays awake. Our crossbow-wielding friend tries to escape, but he isn’t successful.

Which brings us to the other subplot of episode 3 that focuses on Dwight, his wife Sherry and her sister Tina. Much like we know him in The Walking Dead comics, Dwight isn’t exactly the most loyal of Negan’s followers. He looks on with scorn at the Sanctuary’s walker wall comprised entirely of his friends and Negan’s dissenters.

As those that have been following the series for a while will know, however, Daryl’s first interaction with Dwight was independent from Negan in the season 6 episode, “Always Accountable.” This week’s script will elaborate on why Dwight and his family deserted the Saviors back then and why they’ve suddenly decided to come back. From what previews tell us, it’s not a simple catch-and-capture scenario.

That brings us to the pregnancy test. All the spoilers tell us is that one character is being tested, and we won’t have to wait to know the results. If the comics are any indication, Sherry or Tina seem like solid picks here. In the printed narrative, Negan takes many wives including Sherry. It’s possible that Sherry is testing herself to see if she’s carrying our villain’s child. Unfortunately, however, we’ll have to wait until Sunday to know the total truth behind this dilemma.

The Walking Dead season 7 continues Nov. 6 on AMC.

What do you think of these spoilers? Who’s pregnant? Will Daryl’s torture break him? Tell us in the comments section!

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