‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Premiere: The Governor Has Nothing On Negan, Says Jeffrey Dean Morgan

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Negan confronted Rick's group at the end of The Walking Dead Season 6 finale.
Negan confronted Rick's group at the end of The Walking Dead Season 6 finale. AMC

Jeffrey Dean Morgan believes The Governor couldn’t take down Negan in The Walking Dead even if Rick hadn’t got to him first. Morgan compared the two villains during a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly.

Morgan was pretty confident his skull-bashing character would’ve taken out AMC’s version of the Governor if they ever crossed paths.

“It’s not even close,” Morgan told EW. “I mean, I love David Morrissey, but he wouldn’t stand a chance. Wouldn’t stand a chance. I’d put Negan up against anybody. He’s super smart and there’s no filter, no fear. The Governor was a little bit wack. Negan’s got it together. It wouldn’t even be close. And I’m sorry, ‘cause I really love David. He’s awesome. I worked with him for a year and there’s just not a better guy. But Negan versus the Governor wouldn’t be close.”

[WARNING: The rest of this article references The Walking Dead comic books. Mild spoilers ahead.]

To be fair, show Negan would definitely take out show Governor with ease. AMC tamed down the comic book character to make it a bit more TV friendly. However, The Walking Dead comic book Governor was a real SOB. In the comics, the Governor took Michonne as his prisoner, chained her up, and repeatedly abused her, both physically and sexually. The Governor had no sense of morality, but comic book Negan does. Unlike the Governor, Negan would never allow one of his own to rape or abuse a woman. It’s a strict rule in his community and Negan will kill anyone who disobeys.

In the comics, Negan is very similar to Rick. Negan is protective of his own and wants to make sure everyone is cared for, just like Rick. However, Negan rules by fear while Rick takes a more humane approach. Rick doesn’t kill to show strength, he only does it when he’s attacked. Meanwhile, the Governor didn’t have any redeeming qualities. By the time Rick’s group encountered the Governor, he was way too far gone and lost all sense of humanity.

Do you think Morgan was right about Negan vs. The Governor? Let us know in the comments below. The Walking Dead Season 7 premieres Oct. 23 on AMC.

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