'Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2' Guide: Beginner Tips & Tricks to Know

Here are some tips and tricks for beginners who are coming into the world of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. Steam, Saber Interactive

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is the latest entry in the highly popular franchise that is reminiscent of developer Relic's original title.

The new game comes with intense melee combat and swarms of enemy units that will challenge players' mettle. However, there are some changes made since the last time that players went on a journey in the franchise's world.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 adds parrying, gun strikes, perfect dodging, extensive customization, and a reworked armor system. All of these together make the new game stand out among its peers.

Fortunately, this beginner's tips and tricks guide will help newcomers get into the flow of things and learn the basics of the game. Keeping these things in mind while playing will let you master Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2's mechanics.

Execute Targets

When fighting, you should always execute every single major enemy that you come across. Any enemy that is similar to the size of your own character can be executed when their health is low enough, according to TheGamer.

You know that an enemy can be executed when you see the dazed animation and they start to get a visible red outline.

You get various benefits when you are executing a particular target. These are instantly recovering armor, being invulnerable for the duration of the animation, and killing nearby fodder units.

Use Unique Melee Abilities

In Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, you have an assortment of light and heavy attacks to pummel your foes with. Mixing these two together makes your combos even deadlier. You can also perform a variety of unique combos with the right sequences.

These include a powerful AoE attack that can be done by using a heavy attack after using a few light attacks. The more light attacks that you do, the more powerful the heavy attack at the end will be.

The game introduces players to this mechanic but what it doesn't tell you is that every single melee weapon has its own unique heavy attack gimmick. Learning how to use these and when will be crucial to your success.

Hip-Firing Versus Aiming

While both of these firing modes are important, you need to know when to best use either one. While hip-fire is inaccurate, it lets you dish out a volley of rounds that make quick work of enemies near you, said ShackNews.

On the other hand, aiming allows you to have greater precision with your shots to take out enemies from a distance. However, the drawback here is that you will be shooting much slower than the other modes.

Master Countering, Dodging, and Parrying

The new mechanics in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 make offense the best defense for players to use. You should always be aggressive when fighting enemies to take advantage of the situation.

Even when you go on the defensive, you can use counters, dodges, and parries, to turn the tide and defeat your enemies before they know what hit them. The game has two types of telegraphed attacks; orange and blue.

An orange attack indicates a blow that needs to be dodged while blue attacks indicate blows that can be parried. Successful execution of these mechanics will let your character counter with a Gun Strike that is strong enough to execute small enemies, according to GameSpot.

Other Tips

Another useful advice is not to be greedy with your executions to avoid biting off more than you can chew. This is particularly true when playing with other people as sharing these finishers can help your team more than simply dishing them out whenever you can.

You should also learn to master your weapons that function differently and have certain strengths and weaknesses. Figuring out which one is suitable for a particular situation could spell the difference between victory and defeat.

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