Watch New 'Steven Universe' Episodes This June As Hiatus Ends With 'Summer Of Steven'

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Steven Universe, a Cartoon Network original show by Rebecca Sugar of Adventure Time.
Steven Universe, a Cartoon Network original show by Rebecca Sugar of Adventure Time. (c) Cartoon Network

All’s been quiet on the Steven Universe front for months, but there’s been great news today via Entertainment Weekly.

First, Steven Universe has been renewed through to season five, meaning we can look forward to the hijinks of our favorite alien hybrid kid and his space rock lady posse for some time to come. ( Uncle Grandpa has also been renewed through to season five.)

Second, Steven Universe returns to our TV screens this summer with a special “Summer of Steven” event running June through August. This seems to herald a switch from the “ Stevenbomb ” format Cartoon Network has pursued in the show’s last few spurts of airtime. Writer Matt Burnett has confirmed that the show will not be returning to a once-a-week format:

The “Summer of Steven” is a continuation of Steven Universe’s third season, so it’s great to know that we can look forward to not one, but two additional seasons. Also via Burnett's Twitter, each season is 26 episodes, aside from the first season which was a double-sized 52:

We’ve already had a few leaks thanks to our friends across the pond at Cartoon Network UK (for detailed speculation and teaser clips, check out this link ), but if there’s one thing Steven Universe excels at, it’s blowing our minds in only ten minutes per episode. Five seasons of Steven means 156 total episodes, putting us at exactly the midpoint of what's been announced so far at 78 episodes aired.

What are you most looking forward to when Steven Universe returns from hiatus this summer? The return of Lapis? The return of Jasper? The return of Yellow Diamond? The return of little Steven himself? Let us know in the comments section below.

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