Every so often, a new archetype or deck comes around in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links that becomes super popular because of its viability in the current meta. After the GX update, Cyber Angels have become the archetype duelists want to obtain and go into battle with in PVP.
The number of Cyber Angel monsters and support -- as well as the relatively easy way to get the cards needed to build a viable deck -- has made this archetype the new Fire King. While other archetypes like the aforementioned Fire King and Ninja decks are still viable, the speed and power of Cyber Angels are currently tops in Duel Links.
The Cyber Angels are relatively easy to get in Duel Links. There are two ways to get the cards needed to build a viable Cyber Angels deck. The first is by leveling up Alexis.
- Cyber Angel Benten - Level 16
- Cyber Angel Idaten - Level 21
- Cyber Petite Angel - Level 23 and 38
- Cyber Angel Dakini - Level 35
- Cyber Angel Absolute Ritual - Level 33
The second method to obtain Cyber Angel cards is defeating Alexis in the Duel Gate. You can farm for these cards by using specific decks, which we described in our farming guide. To get multiple of the Cyber Angels (and you will) you’ll have to farm Alexis.
Here’s her duel rewards for dueling Alexis.

Now that you have the cards, you’ll want to construct your Cyber Angel deck. There are a few builds going around, but if you follow these rules you’ll have a consistent and powerful deck.
The skill to use is Restart. This is so you don’t start with only ritual monsters or without any way to search for your ritual spell cards. Master of Rites (Pegasus) is another option, but you’ll need to take damage to activate, and it’s too random for our taste.
Balance is an interesting skill to use as well. Your starting hand will reflect the ratio of monsters, spells, traps in your deck, so you will likely have a more consistent hand. Restart seems like the easier bet but feel free to test out Balance.
As for what cards to use, you’ll want to have multiple Cyber Angel ritual monsters and spells. The two Cyber Petite Angels you get for leveling up Alexis should be included as well. Other general ritual support, like Sonic Bird and Senju of the Thousand Arms, are viable monsters to get the cards you need and to use as tributes for your ritual summons.
Reddit user Poopdeckseamen uses a Cyber Angel deck with no Sonic Bird, so it’s possible to run this type of deck without it.
Redditor newblood310 uses this Cyber Angel deck to get to the rank of King of Games, adding cards like Enemy Controller to fend off other Cyber Angel decks. This deck also uses the new card Solemn Scalding to stop spells. Either way, the one constant is having multiple Cyber Angel ritual monsters.
Duelists can swap out cards like Sonic Bird, Senju, Enemy Controller etc.. for other staples like Floodgate Trap Hole and Super Rush Headlong. It’s all about the cards you currently have and the situations you feel you’ll come up against. As long as your Cyber Angel deck has enough Cyber Angel monsters you’ll have an easier time in PVP.
So what Cyber Angel deck are you looking to build? Let us know your decklist in the comments section below.