Reached your desired rank? Done with your Battle Pass? What about all your challenges? If you were looking for a reason to grind Apex Legends again, here's your chance. A new limited-time event just went live and brought a bunch of content.
The Beast of Prey Collection event is live and will be till October 4. It brings a new limited-time event called Gun Run, exclusive skins for seven legends, and an Heirloom for our favorite seductress, Loba. Check out the event trailer below.
Gun Run – Limited Time Mode
Gun Run is Respawn's take on the famous Gun Game mode.
You can play the limited-time mode on either Skulltown (Kings Canyon) or Fragment East (World's Edge). There will be four teams of four members each.
Players will have to kill their opponents to get to the next weapon on the track. The weapons you will receive are one step higher than your teammates. Every player will have infinite ammo, health items, and automatic respawns.
You will win the game by killing an enemy with the last weapon on the track, a Throwing Knife. The said knife will also be available in the firing range for the duration of the event.

Collection Event Items
Just like several previous events, this event also features 24 limited-time cosmetics. The track contains exclusive skins for Loba, Lifeline, Octane, Horizon, Pathfinder, Fuse, and Rampart.
You can purchase these items via either Apex Coins or Crafting Metals.

Garra de Alanza - Loba Heirloom
Unlocking all 24 collection event items will grant players Garra de Alanza - an Heirloom for Loba. The heirloom contains a cool animation where Loba destroys a robotic head with a folding fan. The said head looked similar to Loba's nemesis Revenant.
The event brought several balancing changes and bug fixes as well. You can visit our previous article to read about them. More information is also available on the official site.
So what do you think? Are you excited about the new event? Have you been playing Apex Legends recently? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.