Arrow’s new Season 5 Black Canary recruit was sourced from the comics after all. At first, going by the name Tina Boland, she was revealed as Dinah Drake, the original Black Canary in the comics, preceding Dinah Laurel Lance. While Oliver decided she was an adequate Black Canary fill-in, we have yet to see Dinah actually take on Laurel’s mantle for herself. That all may change next week in episode 14. In newly released photos, she’s sporting her own leather jacket, but donning Black Canary’s mask.

It’s unclear if Dinah Drake is taking baby steps towards eventually wearing Laurel’s old getup, but I have a feeling she’s going to get her own version of the costume. Laurel was certainly a badass, but Drake is more brutal. They may share a name, but make no mistake, they are far from the same person and Drake deserves her own look.
Old villains Cupid, China White and Liza Warner break out of Iron Heights and Green Arrow is wanted for the murder of Detective Malone next week in, “The Sin-Eater.” Check out the trailer above.