Colton Hayne’s Arsenal is set to return for Arrow Season 5, but what villain will Team Arrow have to deal with? According to the Green Arrow himself, Stephen Amell (via Variety), we can narrow it down to only non-powered baddies.
“As far as I know, they don’t have superpowers. I’ll tell you that,” Amell teased. “I’ve heard that our big bad, our villain, is something that you can really only do once you’re in the fifth, sixth or seventh season of a TV show.”

Arrow went full-on supernatural in Season 4, but Stephen Amell wants fans to remember the show’s origins in Season 5.
“We are the superpower-less superhero show,” he added. “I think that ultimately, we are always going to be at our best when we do what we do best.”
David Ramsey, who plays Arrow’s #2 John Diggle, agrees that he’d like to go back to the street-level fighting showcased in the first and second season. (How about that epic running fight scene in “Lost in the Flood though?”)
"None of these nukes, getting a guy with a bow and arrow to come along and save the world, back to the streets," Ramsey told the U.K.’s Daily Mirror. "Diggle is military, Oliver is best when fighting - and Felicity behind the computer doing her magic opening doors. That's what I love as a fan."
Without having to introduce Barry Allen for the Flash premiere, and set up Legends of Tomorrow, the cast is hoping to get back to its roots, which comes with some big changes as Showrunner Wendy Mericle teased to TV Guide.
“We talked about Season 4 as a soft reboot and I think Season 5 will see some big changes on the show,” she said.
Season 5 is believed to be the last season of Arrow’s infamous flashbacks. When asked what it’s like to go back and play his younger self by’s Lucas Siegel, Amell responded, "Maybe he’ll lie in just complete juxtaposition to the Oliver that we see in Season 5 in the present day, or maybe they’ll start to line up together again, you never know. Things change!"
Amell added that he’d like to see the “public visage and version of Oliver Queen within Star City” explored in Season 5. He also said there will be something in the finale that makes that possible. Hmmmm….
Don’t forget Echo Kellum’s Curtis Holt has been promoted to a series regular next season. Will he work with or replace Felicity? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Arrow Season 4 finale airs May 25 at 8 p.m. EDT on The CW.