All the hardcore Destiny 2 veterans will know what Trials of Osiris are and how amazing the game mode is, and Bungie is bringing that action back on March 13. Trials of Osiris is basically a hardcore PVP Elimination mode for the next season, Season of the Worthy.
In a short presentation video embedded above, Bungie confirms that three original Trials maps are returning, in the form of Cauldron, Exodus Blue, and Anomaly.
Players have long suspected the mode's return, which was confirmed today when in-game donations of Polarized Fractaline to 'the Empyrean Foundation' passed the 9,777,777,700 milestones. The event was also marked by an in-game cutscene in which your guardian lit a glowing beacon on Mercury.
Bungie seems confident about its matchmaking. "Trials uses connection-based & card-state matchmaking," game director Luke Smith wrote on Twitter."When you're on the cusp of visiting the new Lighthouse, (the one you all built with TONS of Fractaline and effort) we want you to be facing someone in a similar spot." Smith also teased more news on season 10 with a poster.

The next season will implement a number of changes for the game itself. Big changes include armor alterations and a nerf for weapons that need rebalancing.
For one thing, Bungie noted that Trials will be 'power enabled', meaning your light level will affect how much damage you do. That change could prove divisive, as it essentially means the more you're willing to grind, the better an advantage you'll have. The armor used in Trials of Osiris will be the reskinned armor used previously.
So, what are your thoughts on the return of Trials of Osiris? Do you think the new changes are going to be better than what we had before? Personally, I think whatever Bungie pushes out is amazing content and I’m looking forward to grinding the next season. Whatever your thoughts may be, let us know in the comments below.