The Civilization 6 release date isn’t all that far away now—the game comes out on PC on Oct. 21—and developer Firaxis Games is keeping up a steady stream of news in advance of the game’s release. The latest, announced just before Labor Day weekend, is the latest civilization: the Kingdom of Kongo, ruled by Mvemba a Nzinga. It’s a departure from past Civilization games, which have all featured the Zulu as the main representation of sub-Saharan Africa. It adds to the continuing diversity of civs in Civilization 6.
Civilization 6 Civs: The Kongo Joins The New Civs
Mvemba a Nzinga ruled the kingdom of Kongo from 1509 until around 1543, and led the coastal sub-Saharan kingdom into Christianity after he ascended the throne; he also used the name King Afonso I. He embraced much of Portuguese technology and education, not to mention their religion, but rejected the slave trade and Portuguese attempts at land speculation.

Here’s the Kongo’s deal in Civilization 6: The civilization gets bonus food, production and gold from Great Works the kingdom has acquired… and they get extra points toward great artists and great merchants. They have both a unique unit, the Ngao Mbeba, and a unique District, the Mbanza. The Ngao Mbeba operate effectively in forest and rainforest, don’t require iron, and have extra defense against ranged attacks. Their unique District, on the other hand, adds extra housing (even in the jungle), food and gold. The Kongo also can’t build Holy Sites, but can adopt the founder beliefs of other religions that hold sway in a majority of cities in the kingdom and get apostles from them.
The Kongo is meant to be versatile: They can do a military rush with the Ngao Mbeba, or focus on culture and another civ’s religion for a major builder push. It’s quite a far cry from the highly military-oriented, early-age rush Zulu have usually been. Kongo joins Scythia among the handful of totally new civilizations in Civ 6, which is out on Oct. 21. The game feels great, so mark your calendars now—and hope we get a handful of other totally new civs before then too.