The latest Clash of Clans October 2016 pre-Sneak Peek features a new bomb tower defense structure. Find out everything new the developers have announced for the upcoming update, here.
Thursday marks the third day Supercell has dropped major hints about what’s ahead for the new October Clash of Clans update. In the latest pre-Sneak Peek video and blog post , the developers gave players a look at a new defense structure coming to the game – the Bomb Tower!

If you’ve played Clash of Clans’ sister game, Clash Royale, you know what a bane to one's existence a bomb tower can be when attacking with ground troops. In Clash Royale, the bomb tower easily obliterates most oncoming ground troops and deals crippling damage to even the sturdiest of troops, often foiling best laid offensive plans. We imagine the new defense structure will serve equally as useful in the Clash of Clans update as well.
According to the Supercell , the bomb tower will become available to players at Town Hall 8 and can be upgraded to level 5. When players reach Town Hall 10, they have the option to build an additional bomb tower.

As mentioned before, the bomb tower will act as an excellent defense against attacking troops, dealing some pretty epic splash damage, but that’s not all. When a bomb tower is finally brought down by one's foes, it throws one final punch as it explodes into a fiery inferno, yielding additional damage against the opposing troops.
The new bomb tower feature should help to balance the force of some mass attack troops, which Supercell says have “too easily teetered between being super-weak or super-strong.”
In addition to the new bomb tower defense structure, Supercell announced more balancing changes not revealed in its Tuesday update Sneak Peek .
According to the official blog, the October Clash of Clans update will bring balance changes to the Witch, Giant Bomb and Hog Rider. The Witch is scheduled to receive a massive boost to her hit points as well as a slight damage increase, making her more resilient to oncoming fire. Meanwhile, Giant bombs will lose strength against the Hog Rider as they will no longer deal him 1.5x damage. The change is meant to lessen the focus on Giant Bombs and help players plan for Bomb Tower resistance instead, said Supercell.
Prior to Thursday’s Sneak Peek, Supercell revealed new levels for six different troop types, including the Baby Dragon, Wizard and Hidden Tesla. Additionally, seven other troop types are scheduled to see balance changes and a new Army quick-train feature has been added as well.
As Supercell continues to reveal more details about the next Clash Of Clans update, rumored to release October 11, we’ll continue to post as well. To see all our earlier Clash of Clans update posts, be sure to check out our full Clash of Clans article stream, here.