The new Clash of Clans October 2016 update is almost here and sneak peeks at balancing changes, new troops and features are already appearing. Find out everything we know about Supercell’s soon to release Clash of Clans update, here.
On Tuesday, Supercell finally came out of its cave and offered real evidence that the Clash of Clans October 2016 update is finally on its way. After a hint on the official forums last Wednesday, that new update Sneak Peaks would likely begin this week, the company released a blog today that outlines a few of the changes coming in October’s update. Below we’ve provided a brief overview of all the changes that have been announced for the Clash of Clans October update. For complete details, be sure to read Supercell’s official blog announcement and follow their Facebook or Twitter page for more live updates. The company has announced that more update news and Sneak Peeks will be revealed tomorrow. Likely we’ll see Sneak Peeks every day this week until the update is actually released.
NEW 09/05/16: 'Clash Of Clans' Update Sneak Peek: Supercell Reveals New Army Quick Train Features
NEW 09/06/2016: Clash Of Clans October Update: New ‘Bomb Tower’ Defensive Structure Announced
Clash Of Clans October 2016 Update Sneak Peeks: What’s New And What’s Changing

New Troop Levels
Quite a few new troops are making their way into this month’s update with the majority being concentrated on the upper level, Town Hall 11.
- Wizard level 7 (Town Hall 10)
- Hidden Tesla level 9 (Town Hall 11)
- Baby Dragon level 5 (Town Hall 11)
- Mortar level 10 (Town Hall 11)
- Dragon level 6 (Town Hall 11)
- X-Bow level 5 (Town Hall 11)
- 25 additional Wall pieces (Town Hall 11)
Balance Changes
A number of troops will see balance changes in October’s update to help keep gameplay “fun and interesting.”
- Wizard level 6 hit points and damage slightly increased
- Wizard level 6 available at Town Hall level 9. (Used to be locked until level 10).
- P.E.K.K.A empowered as Hidden Teslas lose ability to deal 2x damage to P.E.K.K.A
- Mortar level 8-9 damage increased
- Skeleton Spells spawn 26 skeletons over a single spell slot
- Cloned troops from Clone Spells last longer in battle
- Bowler hitpoints get slightly nerfed
Upgrades Get Discounted
Some troops will receive upgrade discounts in terms of time or cost. The exact discount hasn’t been revealed but the following troops will be affected:
- • Wizard 6
- • Dragon 3-5
- • Baby Dragon (all levels)
- • Cannon 12-13
- • Archer Tower 11-13
- • Mortar 8-9
- • Wizard Tower 7-8
- • Hidden Tesla 5-8
- • X-Bow 2-4
Clan War Rewards Changes

In addition, the Clan Wars feature will also see some changes. In the new update, players will earn a partial War Win Bonus even if their attack fails and the War Win Bonuses will no longer be reduced when you attack a lower Town Hall level. More difficult targets in war, however with gain you more Clan XP with a cap of 10XP. According to Supercell, the changes to Clan Wars are meant to “lessen the downsides of more ambitious war attacks” while providing “better rewards” for “clean-up attacks.”
As more Clash of Clans October update Sneak Peeks are revealed, we’ll be sure to update this post.