A new Battleship tank was added to Diep.io Overseer and Twin Flank class upgrade. Find out what the tank is like and how it works, here.
On Sunday, Diep.io devs added another tank to the class tree. Dubbed “Battleship,” the new tank branches off both the Overseer and Twin Flank class as a level 45 upgrade option. This is likely the last of a long string of updates that made their way to Diep.io in the last month.
Below we’ve outlined what the new Battleship tank is like and how it performs against other tanks along with links to an updated Tank class tree so you can see exactly how the Battleship fits into the mix.
Diep.io Battleship Tank Update: What The New Level 45 Tank Offers

As mentioned above, the battleship is a level 45 upgrade, which can be obtained by taking either the Twin or Sniper path and upgrading to either the Twin Flank or Overseers class, respectively.
The Battleship is a circular shape and comes equipped with four barrels, two on each side, with the pairs positioned directly across from one another. This gives the ship defensive coverage from tanks directly in front of and behind the Battleship.
Each of the four barrels spawns a quick and continuous stream of Protectors (not to be confused with Drones).

If you aren’t familiar with what a Protector is, it’s basically a computer controlled defensive weapon that shoots out in ay direction, typically targeting the nearest object(s) to itself. Protectors differ from Drones in that players have no control over what objects they choose to target, so you’re left just hoping they make wise decisions. If you have any experience with Base Protectors, the Battleship protectors work in a similar way. The main difference is that they are smaller but target more objects like polygons and tanks as well.
If you were playing Diep.io as an Overseer and upgrade to the Battleship, you’ll notice all the drones, which high-speed protectors that were previously following you disappear. This is the trade off for the protectors that launch continuously out of your Battleship’s barrels.
The Battleship is strongest against tanks like the Necromancer or Booster which have a low penetration and fire rate but are vulnerable to tanks with higher penetration and fire rates like the Overlord or Destroyer.
While the Battleship tank seems like a decent addition to the class tree, surprisingly, players on Reddit aren’t particularly impressed. Many have referred to it as an outdated Mothership and it’s failed to muster the excitement some other tank updates have brought to players. I guess only time will tell how popular the Battleship tank will be in Diep.io.
Diep.io Tank Class Tree Update

If you’d like to see where the Battleship falls on the Tank Class tree, an updated class tree can always be found on the Diep.io subreddit. Below we’ve added a snapshot of where the Battleship fits into the Twin class tree, but for the full Tank tree listing, see this Imgur post, here.