'DOOM' Multiplayer Hands-On: As Bloody And Fast As You're Expecting

NOTE: This article is a contribution and do not necessarily represent the views of Player One.
DOOM's multiplayer has as much gore and is as great as you hope it will be
DOOM's multiplayer has as much gore and is as great as you hope it will be id Software

DOOM has a history of being a bloody, violent game and none of that is changing with the latest installment. We’ve played through a few rounds of the DOOM multiplayer, and fans of the franchise should be excited for what’s coming.

While at PAX East, Bethesda had one level of one game mode offered to demo. The game mode involved collecting souls, similar to a Kill Confirmed-type mode in Call of Duty. The first team to 100 souls collected, or whichever team has the most after the five minute time limit, wins.

It was really surprising to see the level of customization players have over their appearance and the look of their weapons. Armor can be changed for different styles, the colors can be swapped out and players can even customize the amount of dirt and scratches each item has. The same level of customization can also be applied to all of the different weapons available.

Once my character got the perfect look, it was on to the actual game. The level we played in felt like an old-school shooter level, with two levels, big and small areas and overlooks to line up a good sniper shot. If you are familiar with shooters like Halo and other DOOM games, you’ll feel right at home.

DOOM is a callback to older games both in terms of the level and gameplay. Action is fast and frantic, with twitch reactions prevailing over more tactical play. Because many of the guns, like the rocket launcher and shotgun, deal out a spread of damage, shooting close to an opponent is just about as good as actually hitting one.

The exception to this is the sniper rifle. This gun featured a powered-up shot that gains more damage the more you’re looking through the scope. If you take the risk to power your shot up all the way, getting a one-hit kill is much easier. It was incredibly satisfying getting the sniper powered all the way up to get a shot off, but I found myself getting blasted away while aiming plenty enough as well.

The big difference DOOM has over other shooters is the ability for one player to turn into a demon and start wreaking havoc. Right now, there are only two different demons to turn into, but more will be coming later. Demons are strong, but can be killed easily enough. When one dies, a demon spawn token gets released, letting another player grab it and go on their own rampage. This is a cool system, because typically the person who kills a demon gets to turn into one next. Both teams get their fair share of demonic possessions as well.

If you are looking for a classic shooter experience, DOOM will definitely be for you. Thanks to the levels of customization, you can also get it looking exactly how you want it to as well. Once id Software releases the awesome-sounding SnapMap, it will be hard to play anything else.

So what do you think? Are you excited to try out the DOOM multiplayer for yourself? Does this scratch your old-school shooter itch? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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