'Dota 2' Hero Guide: How to Master Ringmaster's Abilities, Ultimate, Playstyle

This Dota 2 hero guide teaches players the basics of Ringmaster's abilities and ultimate and gives some advice on how to use him on the battlefield. Steam, Valve

Dota 2's latest hero, Ringmaster, finally arrived in the game in August 2024 after several delays and brought a new set of abilities to the battlefield.

Ringmaster is classified as a ranged support hero and his kit includes disables, nukes, and even an escape. A lot of players have been choosing this new hero as a Position 4 due to his amazing base stats and kill potential.

This article helps players understand Ringmaster's abilities and ultimate and teaches you how to play him on the battlefield to dominate your enemies.

Ringmaster's Abilities

This hero's first ability known as Tame the Beasts (Q) is a channeling where Ringmaster will twirl his whip for up to one second and crack it. This will damage enemies that are caught in its area-of-effect radius.

Furthermore, enemies that are damaged by this particular ability will also receive the fear debuff. This ability's total damage and fear duration will depend on how long you channel it, according to Game Rant.

His second ability is Escape Act (W) where Ringmaster targets an ally to turn the unit into an untargetable box. This ability will also increase the target's movement speed and magic resistance. However, the unit can still be silenced, muted, and disarmed.

Ringmaster's third ability is Impalent Arts (E) which throws an enchanted dagger in a target direction. It will attach to enemy units and will deal damage over time. If an enemy hero is hit, they will take a percentage of their maximum health as damage and will also get slowed.

Ultimate Ability

For Ringmaster's Ultimate, he gets the Wheel of Wonder where he will roll it to a target location. This ability knocks aside enemies as it travels along its path.

When it reaches its target area, it will cause damage over time to enemies in a radius and slow them by 50%, Gosu Gamers said.

If enemy heroes face the wheel for more than half a second, they will be mesmerized and drawn towards it.

The first enemy that gets hit with this debuff triggers a timer for the wheel to explode. If this is not triggered, the Wheel of Wonder will automatically explode after eight seconds.

Other Tips

Another thing to note about Ringmaster is that the hero's Aghanim's Shard upgrade gives him a new ability known as Spotlight. This makes a spotlight shine around him that will make enemy attacks miss. They will also be revealed if they are invisible, according to Forbes.

Ringmaster is a good support hero that is relatively easy to build in a match. You should focus on leveling Impalent Arts first as it is your main damage-dealing ability. It gives you more opportunities to harass enemies from a distance.

Due to Ringmaster's higher-than-normal strength gain for a support hero, he can be quite aggressive in his lane without risking too much. You should also play around the map, secure visions, and target any stacked jungle camps on your enemies' side of the battlefield.

With regards to positioning, you should ideally be closer to the backline during a team fight in order to avoid any immediate damage. Use your Ultimate carefully so that it catches as many enemy heroes as possible.

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