Fallout Shelter 1.6 update has finally dropped! Find out about quests, how to use Nuka-Cola, find Paula and more in our rundown of all the update’s new features.
Despite announcing a Thursday release date, Bethesda surprised Fallout Shelter players by dropping the update a day earlier. The Fallout Shelter 1.6 update is a fairly significant one in that it adds quests to the game that users can participate in, in order to gain caps and rare weapons or outfits. Below we’ve compiled a complete run down of every feature we’ve found in the new update, along with a guide with tips and tricks on completing quests in the game. If you’ve discovered anything new we haven’t listed or found a particularly useful tip we don’t know, feel free to share in the comments below, or email c.harbison@idigitaltimes.com and we’ll add it to this article, with a hat tip to you of course.
Fallout Shelter 1.6 Update Features: Everything We’ve Found So Far

Quests – This is probably the most significant feature of Fallout Shelter’s 1.6 update. With the addition of quests, dwellers can starts a quest as a group or when they happen upon and new location while exploring that they’ve never seen before. While quests can be dangerous, they also offer the opportunity to rack up caps, and rare outfits or weapons. The quests require more interaction by the player and bring a welcome change for those that have more than mastered the art of managing the vault. We’ve added more details on how to start and survive quests at the bottom of this post.

Combat Control Feature – The game has now added the ability for you to decide which dwellers aim at which adversaries. By simply tapping and holding on a dweller during a conflict and dragging the green aimer to the opponent you want to attack, the feature gives you more control over who does what. The feature is its most useful when you are on a quest. It can allow your group members to focus all their fire power on one opponent at a time, for instance which does seem to reduce the amount of damage taken, and increase the speed at which you eliminate the attackers.
New Enemies – Deathclaws were a nasty addition some time ago, but now Bethesda has upped the ante again by adding Ghouls and RadScorpions to the enemy list.
Nuka-Cola Quantum – Nuka Cola Quantum is a new product that can be added to your arsenal via completing quests or purchasing in the Fallout Shelter store. The Cola’s can be used to start quests sooner, craft items or finish barbershop customizations instantly, skip more than one update a day, or get your wasteland dwellers back to the vault quicker. It’s a nice addition to the game, particularly if you have an urgent need in the vault.
More About Quests: How To Start Them And Survive
Now, I’ll be honest, I have only completed two or three quests so it’s possible this section will be expanded upon as I complete more, but these instructions should get you going and help you successfully complete at least your first few quests.
There are two types of quests available in the game. One is a quest you can start from the overseer’s office, The other are quests that pop up when you send dwellers into the wastelands.
Overseer Office Quests

Ok, so before you can use the new Overseer Quest feature, you’ll need to build an overseer’s office. The overseer’s office costs 1,000 caps and takes up two spaces. Once you’ve built it, the game will begin a tutorial on completing quests.
Starting an Overseer Quest
Overseer Office quests vary from day-to-day and are made for teams of three dwellers. To start a quest, you need to tap on the overseer’s office and tap on the map button. Or you can find a map button in the pip boy menu as well. The map will show you all the quests that are available. Each quest has different requirements, such as a particular weapon or experience level. When you choose a quest you’ll then be asked to pick three dwellers to complete the quest. If they don’t meet the experience requirements, you’ll have to pick someone different. Also if their weapon isn’t the right level you have the option to change it out. Once you’re team is ready, click the “Start Quest” button and you are off.
TIP: You want to make sure before you start the quest that you’ve assigned your team radaways and stimpacks. The max is 25 of each. For some reason this is something I forgot several times. Even though I always load my dwellers up with supplies before they go into the Wasteland, for some reason in the quests I kept forgetting. This will ultimately screw you over.
TIP: Each quest takes a certain amount of hours of travel in the wasteland before it actually begins, but if you want to start the quest sooner, you can use Nuka-Cola to do so.
What To Do During The Quest
Once you arrive at the quest location, you’ll need to tap on the black empty squares inside the building where the quest takes place. This will cause your whole team to enter the room and it will light up.
Once you enter a room, usually some kind of confrontation will happen (ex: radroach attack). Complete the fight and then prepare to move to the next room. Before you go though, make sure to scan for any objects that appear to sparkle or glow. When you tap these, you get bonus items like caps, outfits and weapons. Continue to work your way through the black rooms until the quest is complete.
During combat I have found it useful to employ the new combat control feature (described above). It can allow you to focus all of your dwellers’ combined enemy on one opponent at a time if you wish. To me, this seems to make the task of destroying them quicker and easier.
Once the quest ends, you guys will head back to the vault.
TIP: Dwellers do not automatically medicate themselves during quests like they do in the Wasteland. Keep an eye on your dwellers during conflicts and when a stimpack or radaway symbol appears over their heads, tap it to administer the needed medication.
Individual Explorer Quests

The second type of quest that you can do happens when a dweller is exploring in the wastelands. When a quest becomes available a small green map icon will appear to the left of your vault screen. Tap on it and it will tell you the type of quest that’s available. Just be careful. If you dweller is low on radaways or stimpacks, that’s not a good time to take on a quest.

These quests proceed in the same way the group quests do. There is a fun feature to these quests called critical hits. These build up after your dweller has done a certain amount of damage to opponents. When you have a critical hit opportunity, a yellow check mark will appear on an opponent. When you tap it, a set of arrows will start moving in and out towards the center of the target. Try to tap when the arrows are closest to the target. This will yield a higher leveled critical hit. Once opponents are defeated move on to the next room until the quest is complete.
TIP: Before you move to a new room, make sure you’ve given your dweller stimpacks to restore him or her to full health. Otherwise you’ll sometimes be caught off guard by a particularly strong opponent.
Got other tips or new features you noticed in the Fallout Shelter 1.6 update? Be sure to share in the comments below!