‘The Flash’ Season 3 Episode 10 Spoilers: Future News Headlines & What They Mean

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'The Flash' Season 3 airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m.
'The Flash' Season 3 airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. CW

Before the midseason finale, Savitar, speaking through Dr. Alchemy, left Barry Allen with a prophecy : “One shall betray you, one shall fall, one will suffer a fate much worse than death." Then, Barry accidentally traveled six months into the future and saw Savitar kill Iris. In the midseason premiere, “Borrowing Problems From The Future,” Cisco vibed The Flash back to the moment Savitar killed Iris, allowing them to gather as much information as they can about the events before her death. In Cisco’s vibe, Barry saw five news headlines and he believes that if he can change those headlines, he can also prevent Iris' death. So here’s a recap of each headline and what it means for the rest of the season.

Killer Frost Still At Large
Is Caitlin who the one who betrays Barry in Savitar’s prophecy ? We know she’s not in control of her powers at all. Without Cisco’s tech, her Killer Frost side takes over. Earlier this season, Cisco also vibed he and Caitlin fighting each other in the future, hinting that she could lose her loyalty to the team. However, “at large” doesn’t necessarily mean she’s a traitor.
Since Barry believes it’s possible to manipulate the future, hiring Julian could always change Caitlin’s current destiny because he could figure out a cure. But it could also mean that if Julian is still Dr. Alchemy. The medicine Catlin found in Julian’s office suggests he could still be having trouble dealing with an alter ego. It’s possible he’s going undercover on Team Flash for Savitar, meaning he’s the one who ultimately betrays.
STAR Labs Museum Closes
Opening night at the STAR Labs museum went terribly, suggesting this headline could turn out to be true. But thankfully Cisco had a few ideas to attract new patrons. While the museum could be on track for now, it may not end up staying that way even if it doesn’t close as the headline suggests. At the end of the episode, H.R. made a joke saying, “not just The Flash” will inspire kids, which hints at the possibility we actually could be seeing The Flash museum down the line, as Barry’s journey through the speed force teased last season.
Music Meister Gets Six-Figure Book Deal
The next DC TV crossover is in March and involves Music Meister the villain from Batman: The Brave and The Bold who hypnotizes heroes through song to do what he pleases. The two-episode Supergirl and The Flash crossover stars Daniel Criss as the villain, who worked with Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist on Glee.
City Reeling After Gorilla Attack
Gorilla Grodd has appeared in every season of The Flash and he’s set to return later this season for two episodes. Solovar, the progressive leader of Gorilla City and archenemy of Grodd, will also appear in the episodes, which are set in Gorilla City. One of the episodes will take place on Earth-2 (where Barry left Grodd last season), and the other on Earth-1.
Joe West Honored At City Hall
This could mean a lot of things. Maybe he’s just doing a great job at work, or maybe the ceremony is because he died trying to save Iris? Team Flash decided not to tell Joe about Iris’ potential fate, which could put him in danger if Savitar finds out. Changing the future always comes with consequences, and it’s possible Joe ends up dying in the end instead of Iris.
There was also the headline, “Luigi’s Reopoens After Murder,” but it’s unclear what this means. Whose murder? When Plunder escaped, Barry seemingly proved the future is not fixed by having Kid Flash take him down, changing the news headline to ‘Plunder caught by Kid Flash’ instead of The Flash. But every time anyone messes with the future or past, there have been serious consequences. The Central City Citizen newspaper clipping in old Harrison Wells’ time vault does still say Julie Greer as the author instead of Iris West-Allen. So don’t get your hopes up just yet.
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